14th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST-2017

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Pics , we need pics !

Oh settle down.;)

Yes, while the black seal and I kept each other company, I fell liked I paced myself more as a long distance marathon than a 100yd dash this time - and a few months of training after returning from Bermuda in June may have helped:cheers:

Yes, all kidding aside, I thought you did rather well under the circumstances.

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We made it to my place around 4:00 or so. After unloading my stuff and TerryO's and taking a short break from the road, Terry and John headed home. Nice day for travel. Hope the remainder of their trip is/was at least as smooth as the first part.

Thanks so much to Dave, Ruth, and Chris for accommodating everyone again. It's always a good time to see old acquaintances. We all enjoyed ourselves immensely. Food was great, and the weather was perfect.

Until we meet again . . .
I am now also safe at home. Thanks so much to everyone that made my weekend enjoyable. I had good time with my last bit of Saturday night out in the Jimmy Buffet zone with you know who. I'm sure glad I planned for a day off tomorrow.

Sure was nice to see Dave so chipper after hearing/reading all the horror stories of his ordeal (and Ruth's and Chris'.)

I really enjoyed listening to John's 6bg4 amp with the 01a pre amp up on the back deck. It seemed to be made as a perfect match to my Frugalhorns. I tried to get John to sell it to me but no way. He did say he would help me build an amp though. So that is a good thing.

Sorry Scotty. I told my wife the story and she asked why I didn't give it to you. I don't listen to her very well though. I would really enjoy working up an amp with you if you decide to go for it.

Best to everyone,
I didn't get many pictures this year but thought I would share a couple.


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You guys made me watch the video. It was quite good.

I have imagined a time lapse of driving up the mountain a number of times, i was surprised at how flat the video made coming up the backside looked. It is quite steep.

I still want to see the pictures :)

On my way up I hoped a car would come the opposite direction, just to show how tight it was. I did tail a Datsun for a couple minutes though. And you're right, it just doesn't do it justice how gnarly and steep it is. Would never get built now a days.

I don't really have any other pictures than what's in the video. I was actually dissapointed I didn't get more but I was to distracted and having fun. A good thing I suppose :)
On my way up I hoped a car would come the opposite direction, just to show how tight it was. I did tail a Datsun for a couple minutes though. And you're right, it just doesn't do it justice how gnarly and steep it is. Would never get built now a days.

That was one of our regular training rides (road bike) back in the day. Then it was up and over Munns road.

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