4-800 hz wiggle i my 3 way diy

Could you please post the driver impedance curves (in situ of course…)? The midrange response looks a bit weird to me.
Here comes new impedance measurement markbakk.
I having a hard time to set all the "right" settings in REW (because i never remember them)
Have disturbances in the measuring circuit, but you have to "remove them" in your head when you look at the curve. ( it wasen´t any last year?)

Also get small differances ! ( as you can se in the plot) and peak is 115 hz.
Reference impedance line is a 7,8 ohm resistor.
if brown trace is 1cm
I interpreted it this way: the lower the curve, the bigger the measurement distance… a bit of clarification would be welcome.

Brown trace is 10 cm and then 8, 6, 4, 2 and ending at the top (97-99dB) with 1 cm Blue trace (y)

best regards John


  • Imp SS M18 _7,8 ohm resistor.png
    Imp SS M18 _7,8 ohm resistor.png
    30.6 KB · Views: 12
  • Imp SS M18 _7,8 ohm resistor1.png
    Imp SS M18 _7,8 ohm resistor1.png
    31.4 KB · Views: 12
Ok thx. All in all, I think your crossover needs attention. The bass and mid section overlap too much. You can see that some cancellation is going on between 300 and 500Hz. The mid to high crossover could be finetuned, as a (modest) peak at around 3k generally has to be avoided.

Furthermore, although some of the measurements of the mid have some resemblance, others divert and show more or less the same issue. I can’t explain the differences. But the BSC in the mid crossover possibly isn’t adequate.
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In your Vituixcad info the power and directivity does show that there is some excess energy in the 3Khz region, so that is definitely something you could go over and verify that the transition to the tweeter is maybe better than that old ? data set.

In terms of getting higher than 1 metre to avoid room bounce as they are separate enclosures it should be relatively simple to use a piece of household furniture or some old loudspeaker stands and some books to get them high enough to get a decent 1m or 2 metre reading on axis and maybe some 30 or 45 degree of axis so that you can see that they drop of smoothly. However, if you like the sound maybe leave well alone until you are feeling better.

Interestingly the Xover for all three units is positive phase, and looking at the derived phase they are not closely aligned. To satisfy this question what does the phase look like if you flip the midrange phase does the phase measurements for the bass-mid or mid tweeter become better aligned ?

If so, a bit of subtle tuning of a component in either high pass or low pass may be beneficial, keeping in mind you should be aiming for a smooth gradual taper downwards at the the high frequencies.
However as you listen maybe a bit further away you may not want to much attenuation. If the traces don't happen to look more aligned within one or two mouse clicks, i would be tempted to leave it alone and restore your original values and midrange phase and just work around the mid tweeter transition.

Take it easy. :)
The bass and mid section overlap too much
Yes you are right, but it´s a harder "true" thing in reallety, Vituaxcad don´t show the "xover-struggle" i had with the 130-400 hz area.
And the 300-500 cancellation don´t show up in the measuremts.
The mid to high crossover could be finetuned
Yes, that was my gole when i started this thread (y)
But i can´t se it in most measuremts over 2 meters strange enough?
?. means what?

And i have try a little different xover solutions, and some is better with small margins (but with expensive components, like a 7,5 mH coil)
Here is one other xover solution, but more expensive.

And unother LR2 with litte lower impedance.

regards John


  • With SS 9300 tweeter LR4.png
    With SS 9300 tweeter LR4.png
    186.1 KB · Views: 4
  • With SS 9300 LR2.png
    With SS 9300 LR2.png
    179.6 KB · Views: 4
verify that the transition to the tweeter is maybe better than that old
Yes Ray it can be better "above all in Vituaxcad" with more component, but not so much in reallyty. (difficult to balance more cash or not)
higher than 1 metre to avoid room bounce as they are separate enclosures it should be relatively simple
Absolutly Ray!
Thats on my list!
Interestingly the Xover for all three units is positive phase, and looking at the derived phase they are not closely aligned. To satisfy this question what does the phase look like if you flip the midrange phase does the phase measurements for the bass-mid or mid tweeter become better aligned ?
I have aslo wonder about that!
I think it´s so strange....
And tryed before to shift phase on the woofer, but no improvements at woofer-midrange meeting, but must test again! (also midrange)
If so, a bit of subtle tuning of a component in either high pass or low pass may be beneficial,
(y) thanks for idea´s Ray :)

Best regards John
Never have pain-free days, and the "thing" is to make it through the days...

and i try to take as little Oxycodine as possible, because i have seen what it does to people..

...to get a slightly higher quality of life. (but oxy and morfine just take "the pain-tops away some, to cope the worst hours)
Please forgive me for going off topic here for a moment to address an important issue I'm rather passionate about. I'd like to give you some encouraging words with your situation, coming from someone in a similar situation...

The pain medication itself you're taking isn't really an issue here, ie. what it can or will potentially "do to people". The potential for addiction to opiates is mainly there if the person taking them has an addictive personality, history of certain mental issues (depression, anxiety) and takes them for reasons other than just pain relief itself. If you're taking the medication in increasingly higher and more frequent doses, attempting to feel numb, warm and fuzzy, then there's definitely a problem.

If you're taking it for pain in a responsible manner and according to the doctor's instructions, there is very little if any concern for becoming addicted. You may acclimate to it gradually over time, possibly needing a slightly higher dose for the same efficacy, but that doesn't mean you're becoming addicted to it. That's the critical difference between dependency and addiction.

Unfortunately there's a huge stigma and vilification that comes with prescription opiates. A lot of people don't understand the need and role of this medication, assuming people who take it are by default lower class and lacking in character, automatically being doomed to becoming an addict or already being one. We can partially thank the media for spreading this misinformation, among other people up top and in charge.

The honest truth is the medication can and usually will significantly improve the quality of life in people with severe, chronic pain if its administered properly, even under long term use. Don't be too worried about taking some medication if you really need to. Thats what its there for. It sounds like you have a healthy respect for it and approach it accordingly.

Its very sad people quickly pass judgment onto others who take opiate pain meds, assuming they abuse them being they're opiates and vilify them, automatically linking to the use of other hard drugs. Even pharmacists are now doing this. They should be working with the patient, finding solutions and helping them, not passing judgment and treating them like bad people who just want a fix.

I hope this helps a little and gives you some piece of mind, not to be too concerned with taking medication if you genuinely need it. Sorry for being so personal about this, but I hate to see other human beings suffer needlessly if they have options.
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One thing to be aware of if taking something like Vicodin is its inclusion of acetaminophen, which can be harder on your system than the opiate at some doses. Had a doctor tell me once to take them basically every 2 hours if needed for the day after a procedure - took a couple months for my liver enzymes to get back to normal.
Sims in post #104 obviously are using actual measurements. Obviously they are not dual channel. Does the sim use measured impedance of drivers too?

So, you should give driver location parameters too for VCAD2.

You are using passive components - coils, inductors and resistors, but in VCAD it is possible to use IIR parameters too, they are immune to impedance changes and impedance ot T/S data is not needed. By giving target response, VCAD can suggest FIR or IIR settings.

(I don't use VCAD for design myself, so I can't give detailed instructions)