500W PA amplifier with Limiter

In my opinion you should use this.


Is there any schematics for this protection (?) board?


Best regards!

hi sir APEX sir and others
im planning to have a little mixer using
and this PSU i have changed the zener into 15V is this posible?
these are the only components i able to purchase.
i suppose to do the A Class PSU but not all devices are available esp BF245/2sk246 even the 1uf MKT/MYLAR caps, only electrolytic are available so i tried this layout but need your advice..

currently i am using ML3 on my AMPs with 7815 & 7915 still excellent performance than my tone from esp and sam.

i am not an electronics guy just a hobbyst
please help me out
thank you..


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you still don't get the point.
I advocate protection.
I suggest the Triac shorting circuit be moved from output to supply rails.

I am not telling anyone to remove protection. That is completely against my philosophy.

I stumbled across this old post, which i find very interesting as an idea. Why blow the heck out of an output stage, when you can stop the failure in front of it in a safer way?

My question is, how would this be utilized? Two triacs, each across the + and - rail and ground, fired by the same diac? Or maybe one triac across the full rails? Any ideas?
Hi Stewin, dont be sad because I did something for you :). I hope that wil be useful.


thanks kandimba . here is my version also smd version and dip version


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What if we use one triac (or thyristor,mosfet whatever) from + to - rail, -rail go short, there's 50/50 chance that - fuse will blow. If bad luck strikes and + rail blow, there is still dc from - rail. Is it?

So i guess that each rail should be treated separetely, each fitted with its own triac to ground. Should be safer that way, as both triacs will be driven by the same diac and so in a case of a fault, both rail fuses will die at the same time.
What if we use one triac (or thyristor,mosfet whatever) from + to - rail, -rail go short, there's 50/50 chance that - fuse will blow. If bad luck strikes and + rail blow, there is still dc from - rail. Is it?

Just check out the Mackie M1400 schematic! The first version use thyristors as crowbar in the power supply. Thyristors are very rugged, and they are specified for fuse blowing.
