6th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2009

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Hello All,

Well another year has come and gone,,,,

First off a big thank you to the hosts Ruth and Dave, you guys are ah-some! Also kudos to Chris and Daniel and all those who helped out in the days before hand. I can only imagine how much work went into this.

As usual I found myself gravitating to the Big outdoor system which is conveniently located close to the beer cooler and Cal's pee tree? Sorry Cal. What was unexpected was the performance of Bob's 166 esr's in the stock Fostex boxes. As Chris likes to phrase it "they weren't hurtful" and somehow there was something hauntingly familiar about the sound?:rolleyes:

It was great seeing everyone and also meeting a few new faces.

Luck and health to all,

Also a big thank you to Bob Reimer of CSS who donated a large amount of product for the draw, of which I took home a pair of FR125's.
Joined 2001
Paid Member
Pictures from Frank... i'll let him add narrative


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Hello Gang:
I am home after a great day up on the mtn. I must thank Ruth for her patience and kindness. She always has a smile and a kind word. Dave, Chris, Daniel, Jess and others put on a great show. I was quite impressed with Bob's horns out front near the cooler. I really liked the Mileva's on the back deck. I wish I spent more time with the Tysens. Greg did a great job of redoing the ST70 I really liked it.
I got kind of lost in all the different single driver speakers in the living room. They all sounded good to me.
The bass cannon was quite fun. That gut sucking feeling is something a person remembers.
Thanks for all the great prizes.

I always like getting together with my Audio-nutbar friends.

Cal I missed you, I never got into any trouble. Oh well the beer was good
Newbie perspective

Hey everyone just wanted to share my thoughts on this event. First of all I want to thank Ruth and Dave for hosting this great event. There was great food and drink to be had, even some tasty desserts.

It was really fabulous to meet some of the forum members and share ideas and DIY experiences and knowledge. In other words I learned a lot from much more experienced DIYers. It will also increase my enjoyment of this forum, as I now have new friends to chat with and discuss new ideas.

I actually came to this event with the intent of picking my first DIY speaker project. I got lots of ideas, too many probably. Overall I was very impressed with the sound quality of all speakers I heard, but they all had slightly different flavors. The impressive display of tube gear did leave me wondering if my mid-fi rig would sound nearly as good.
Highlights were the large assortment of small Fonkens with sub, Tysen, and Castle mini towers. Its going to be hard to decide.

Lastly I was utterly amazed with the generosity of prizes that were donated for the raffle. There were some really great gear to be won.

I will be back next year with something to share!

Wow! Looks like fun. Sorry I could not be there this year. :(

That monster OB with the goldwoods 18s look like fun. What did Cal think of it?

unfortunately, Cal was not able to attend this year (although his mini-me was in fine form as usual) :cheeky:

I'd guess his reaction would be - "that's cute for a little patio system, but without multiple cellular horn compression drivers, you're just punting - now, where's my breakfast beverage?" :drink:
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I have to say I had a blast but I definitely ate more than my share of Spanakopita, pie, cake, goodies, etc and beer! Thanks to all who brought those yummies.

I'm glad I could share the bass 'cannon' and I think for next year maybe I'll try and get it working better.

G33k: Good work on Dynamutt, I really like it. (I think the HP likes it too). Moosefet has helped inspire me to continue my measurements on harmonic distortion in speakers.

To all who attended: Thanks for coming, it's great to see you all here and talk audio :)
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