7th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2010

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Joined 2004
Paid Member
BTW: You really need to get back here for some of our events!

Came very, very close this year. Almost made it, with wifey in tow. For some odd reason she can't stand Canada, but is keen to visit B.C. Go figure. :rolleyes: We were set to come up for a visit, but life and work got in the way.

Maybe next year. You've got the Puget Sound Speaker shindig this weekend, yeah? BTW, I like the beard.
Joined 2001
Paid Member

note that the Viking had a little cup... the guy in this picture has an A&W rootbeer mug... you know how big those are.


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Came very, very close this year. Almost made it, with wifey in tow. For some odd reason she can't stand Canada, but is keen to visit B.C. Go figure. :rolleyes: We were set to come up for a visit, but life and work got in the way.

Maybe next year. You've got the Puget Sound Speaker shindig this weekend, yeah? BTW, I like the beard.


"The Puget Sound! DIY Speaker Contest" is being held this weekend.

The Beard? Evidently there are some at this house that disagree:(

Hope you can make it up this way in the future.

Best Regards,
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Joined 2001
Paid Member
All that darting around and ducking paid off... not a single shot of me (yet), and I'm almost certain there won't be any on my camera.

I went back to the originals. No Todd. No Ruth*. A missing 300B SE, and another Canon camera tell tales? Got the amp hooked up?

*I did find Brenda. And a pic of Gregg & Barry on the back deck.



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