7th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2010

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I have a big confession to make:

Last night as I was falling asleep I was back to wondering about the sound of the 604's, the iconic speaker that they are and how awful they sounded what with the non existent upper mids and strange almost wispy tweeters sounds. Something told me there was something I was overlooking as no one, not even I believed that they were sounding anything like they were supposed to. No bass, ok, they've got a pretty low Q but the rest, no way. So I started thinking and the only thing that came to me was:

What if that little switch on the back of the XO, you know the one that does the 1X / 10X on the XO point was accidentally switched into in the 10X position and no one (read Cal) noticed so the XO point wasn't 1K at all it was 10K. Boy that would sure explain what we were hearing, I better go check in the morning.

I guess you don't need any further explanation. Those poor speakers. In all the glory of being taken on a road trip to be displayed in front of all those speaker lovers, some prick went and did that to them and then didn't even notice because it was the first time he had used the XO's. What an a-hole, what a d!ckhead!

I am ashamed.

I am not worthy.

I will ask my wife to spank me tonight.

Say three "hail Zen Mods" and you will be forgiven.
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
ya boyz made a drek of these big honkin' spks ;

seriously - that's serious fuhickup , but everyone knows measure of collective talents at P10's .

one day - when Big Cal and moi are going to meet at BAF , I'll show ya how a redundant pair of Cal's Altec Smileys should/could/would sound , with one cap and resistor

Mighty ZM of Cleverness

Not to worry Cal:
With all those switches and buttons and wires and plugs and stuff it must have been easy for you to get confused. Perhaps Schoky should come out to our little get together next year so he can supervise more closely. We could use a little seriousness and focus at these events.
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
which half of this - upper or lower ?

( earlier or later )



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3.785 .. so that's a US Gallon?

That's exactly what I drink in a month at home, two glasses wine/night for 4 of the 7 days week.

16 glasses month...

So that works out to 237ml per glass, or 8oz on the button! :)

So the day before the fest, I have one 8oz glass or one whatever can of stout Dave wants out of his fridge.

Joined 2006
Paid Member
Well call me late to the party :) Looks like you all had a great time. If you do an 8th annual I'll try to make it up from Seattle!

Be very careful - those blokes will have you drinking the local brew and when you return to the States you will never find one that is satisfying. :drink::drink::drink:

It's a plot by the Canuk's to slowly take over the entire North American continent in order to expand the hockey league and thus sun tan in Miami while they watch the games on the local telly. :joker:
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