900W H-class PA Amp with Limiter

I only get power on my positive rail, this is only the positive rail that warm up when I pump up some volume. The negative rail stay cold and don't warm up like the positive rail. Is there any ting you can think of what can be the problem on it?


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I only get power on my positive rail, this is only the positive rail that warm up when I pump up some volume. The negative rail stay cold and don't warm up like the positive rail. Is there any ting you can think of what can be the problem on it?

Please check or How much voltage that u get on the fuses? It must the same voltage,then when u put high volume the voltage must increase..
You see here sir? Where I mark with green, this positive rail warm up when I pump up some volume, but the negative rail where I mark with red, never switch on, transistor stay cold and never warm up.

im not see any wrong here, or i cannot see? First clean the bottom cooper then Try to replace IR2117 on + rail with IR2117 on - rail, just to check if this both IC is OK. I hope this work.

Hi, Waylene,
this is good suggestion
im not see any wrong here, or i cannot see? First clean the bottom cooper then Try to replace IR2117 on + rail with IR2117 on - rail, just to check if this both IC is OK. I hope this work.

Clean the bottom, then try to put other IR2117 from working amp... Maybe the IR2117 not doing the job, I have someone here warning about IR2117.
He have bad IR2117 that can oscillate by itself...
If changing them don't solve the problem, maybe you have broken trace or broken transistor, check 2N5401-2N5551 MJE340-350
or you can try to measure the voltage on each base to ground... If you find different more than 10%(positive & negative side) then you will start to find where is your problem
Hi John, Thanks for helping me solve the problem on H900. I will do so what you told me to do! But if there is power on amp, why only part of the amp will play? I power amp up only with 55v 0 55v dc, but still get sound out on one side of channel. It's look for me like it is b500 that play now, with out 110v 0 110v dc. Why amp still play sound with out 110v 0 110 dc ? I don't gonna give up that amp, I will fix them, it cost me a lot of money to buy the parts.

But Thanks for help me try solve it.


Can you show me here were stepper driver side is on the h900, I'm must be honest with you, I'm learner and try to learn my self my friend. Here I stay, nobody are good with electronics here. I'm the only one who suffer from help if something goes wrong here. That's why I appreciated so much from every one here on DIY AUDIO who help me solve my problems.


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btw this amp use special power supply... (on your picture it is only 3 power wire for PGND, +110 & -110)
Please, let we see your power supply too :)

You must connect all the 5 power wire PGND, +55, +110, -55, -110, & also for testing I also usually connect input to SGND & to PGND with separate wire.
Use bulb tester too, so you know when it will fail before it's really fail ...
If H900 goes to HV on first start, i suspect any wrong with mosfet connection or maybe something wrong here. Just for fast correction, can u shared pcb layout u made, and show all pic stepper, include bottom too. Stepper position on end left and right of ur pcb, please give this pic.