9th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2012

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Joined 2006
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It seems I had previously committed an error when formulating my question, I had meant to say this.
I am infinitely sorry and I humbly apologize.

Yours Truly,
Nestor J. Gribbles

Uhhhhhhh - I'm a dummy - what wuz da question again????


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Joined 2006
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Yes of course we're talking about Buds and Buds and buds (beer, beer, friends) should any members of a constabulary force ask or check this thread. ;)

Should you inform the local Mounties that you have bought in some beer, beer, as in Bud, Bud they are sure to haul you off as being unsuitable as well as undesirable. :D:D:D

OTOH - they might not be able to make it up the hill if they are approaching from the down wind direction.....:cool:
You're all going on the "Paleolithic diet".;)


after reading John Robbins, Colin Campbell, Mercola and Robb Wolff all in the same month, the resulting :censored: cognitive dissonance makes the choice between paper or metal seem like child's play

everything you eat will kill you, unless something else does first - kind makes you just wanna reach for your favorite relaxation "agent" , which brings us full circle to the buds, buds and buds

:grouphug: :drink:
as any law abiding Canuck will tell you...

...Bud ( Coors et al ) :"it's only water". Try some Super Bock instead.:), er I forget the brand but not the can...maybe good old Black Label(?)

If I ever talked to a member of the GRC, I have brothers who would help me "disappear" and go for a dirt nap. There are just some things one ought never do. When I have crossed the US border, you should see the hassles I go through (the US Border Patrol have a good long look at their screens and my ID, and, and...). You can pick your friends, but not your family.

I can't comment regarding the prevailing winds through the mountain top retreat, but legend has it that a pair of mounties once tried to drive up the hill. Their cruiser was found abandoned, their uniforms and firearms had been disgarded and thrown into the back seat. Some months later folks say they were spotted mindlessly wandering through the trees. They never made it back, but you can hear them when the tide is right, the season cools and the fresh air rolls into the valleys...

dave: "Stew you made a speller there."
...er Bud's Bud buds (like "Larry's Bud" buds?). Obviously I've never been around anything like that and have no idea what you're all talking about. I thought Supernatural BC is well known for its breathtaking and fresh air. I need some more sleep...

Any want to take a crack at my signature line? Who said it and in what context?
Joined 2006
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I can't comment regarding the prevailing winds through the mountain top retreat, but legend has it that a pair of mounties once tried to drive up the hill. Their cruiser was found abandoned, their uniforms and firearms had been disgarded and thrown into the back seat. Some months later folks say they were spotted mindlessly wandering through the trees. They never made it back, but you can hear them when the tide is right, the season cools and the fresh air rolls into the valleys...

Didn't they make a movie outta that???? Brokeback Mounties - Brokeback Monty???? Sumthing like that.......:whip::whip::whip:
Interesting comparison between Canucks and Yanks...

Didn't they make a movie outta that???? Brokeback Mounties - Brokeback Monty???? Sumthing like that.......:whip::whip::whip:

Must be an American thing, 'cause I was assuming a couple of hetrasexual mounties:= a female member and a male member (being a law abiding Canuck). I suppose without an explicit explanation it could mean a gay or lesbian couple of members of the Gendarmerie royale du Canada . Maybe I'll check with the historic beginning of the RCMP , (historic Ft. Macloed which is but 50 miles or so away) to see if any "regular members" had gone AWOL while on patrol during their history. I think not ;).

A disclaimer (of course): I personally could care less about one's sexual orientation, as long as it doesn't clash with my own.
Joined 2009
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As long as it's consensual, between adults, and I'm not required to watch, I honestly don't care either...

I know I've said this before. But I'm thinking about showing my pretty face at the gathering. I'll let you decide if I should wear my goalie mask or not... I'm fine either way as long as the beer comes with a straw. :)

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