A guide to building the Pass F4 amplifier

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To answer your first question, my previous voltages for R6 & R7 were relative to ground.

Today I measured the PSU as 22.18 and -22.10 V

And R6 @ 21.03 and R7 @ -20.53 relative to ground.

I'm getting ready to build a fresh left channel, as I'm not too keen to remove the JFets again and I've gone over all my solder joints.

Maybe a mystery is just a mystery.

I really appreciate the help you've provided along the way.

One question, 6L6 in post 112 says: "There is no place where you need a matched pair of J74 in that circuit... " so I can use new JFets in a new left circuit board without need to match to right channel, correct?
Strange… unless you made some kinda mistake and blew them (since they worked in the beginning though the chan had lower volume)… would be interesting to know if their IDSS is above the bias level. Since you say they actually measure correctly off circuit. But of course, there may be other more reasonable explantations.

Sounds like a route worth trying. Good luck, and kudos for the stamina! A great amp, though I only have the OS in my BA-3 :)
Joined 2005
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I installed new JFets. Biased up to .17 V

Had readings on all Mosfets.

Regarding the three resistors that I had no readings for yesterday, here are the new values - all V

R1 0.0 V
R3 -0.097 V
R4 -16.35

PSU value 22.30 V / -22.40 V

R6 to G is 17.01 V
R7 to G is -16.23 V

Clearly R1 is a problem and R3 looks very low.

Bad resistor at R1? Nope reads correctly.

Hmmm, something is stilled screwed up.

Appreciate any thoughts.
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Assuming your voltages for R1, R3, and R4 are across the resistors:

If the voltage at R1 is across the resistor, zero voltage is good, indicating no DC in the input.

If -16.35V is across R4, it doesn't make any sense.

If -0.097V is across R3, it looks ok - indicates -0.097V/22.1R=0.0044A through the resistor and the SK170.

Please be very clear what your measurements represent.

Please measure again:

- Voltages across R3, R4, R6, and R7.

- Voltages with respect to Ground at both ends of R3, R4, R6, and R7.

Better to have more information so that measurements can be verified.
Joined 2005
Paid Member
Ok. Here are the measurements I have today

see attached


  • 7-21-2021 Measurements.png
    7-21-2021 Measurements.png
    4.9 KB · Views: 192
Joined 2012
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I assume it's R6 and R7, not R5 and R6. If so, the numbers look acceptable. I did ask for voltages at both ends of the resistors with respect to Ground just as a further check.

At the JFET source resistors R3 and R4, the 0.091V drop across gives 0.091V/22.1R=0041A = 4.1mA, a bit low compared to 5mA expected but it is in the ballpark. Perhaps the JFETs have lower Idss.

But it looks like the channel is working.
Yea, the JFETs he has now should be above 6. but Chip where those numbers given by the seller or measured by you? As Dennis pointed out your method might not be 100% accurate for this purpose. Given the IDSS is that low, I would consider asking for a reimbursement. You might not be able to tell the difference between 4 and 5 mA, but it means they don’t bias to spec, and if the IDSS is too low, you won’t be able to manipulate it up through resistor changes either. But as you pointed out the fets prolly aren’t the main cause of all of this.

Still excited to see what the solution to your issues turns out to be! Or is it all working now?
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Joined 2005
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I assume it's R6 and R7, not R5 and R6. If so, the numbers look acceptable. I did ask for voltages at both ends of the resistors with respect to Ground just as a further check.

At the JFET source resistors R3 and R4, the 0.091V drop across gives 0.091V/22.1R=0041A = 4.1mA, a bit low compared to 5mA expected but it is in the ballpark. Perhaps the JFETs have lower Idss.

But it looks like the channel is working.

I meant R6 and R7.

My Jfets are from diystore. they are the Jfets in the 6-8mA range. Should I be using the 8-11 mA instead?