Acoustat Answer Man is here

"Sacrifice some sound quality in the sweet spot"? On axis is best, but on my three person couch, everyone gets a good image.
It's a physical fact that if you increase dispersion outside the sweet spot you will reduce sound quality there as room reflections will increase (at least if you define sound quality as uncoloured reproduction and you're not listening in a anechoic chamber). Also with a curved panel you will increase the min/max distance from the sound source to the listener thus increasing comb filtering effects.

So, even if you find it subjectively better it's physically not.
It's a physical fact that if you increase dispersion outside the sweet spot you will reduce sound quality there as room reflections will increase (at least if you define sound quality as uncoloured reproduction and you're not listening in a anechoic chamber).
"Proven fact"? You have an open invitation to listen to my system. My dedicated room is optimized for sound. I've been an electrostat fancier for nearly forty years.

Also with a curved panel you will increase the min/max distance from the sound source to the listener thus increasing comb filtering effects.
Strictly speaking, SL speakers do not have curved panels like Martin Logans and our German DIY contributor, Calvin. Each facet is flat arrayed in an arc.
I'm not aware of any of the Sound Labs actually demonstrating any discernable comb filtering artifacts. Measurements reflected this, but it's a pedantic practice that brings about no resolution in discussions like these. There is no proof, demonstratable effects, sane recourse, nor any other method of intervention that can wholly satisfy the subjectivist faction of an thee whom is betrothed by his own speakers or concepts. Bernak's Law. I knew a woman who cooked without properly measuring her portions. She used a cup and referenced by eye. Her claim was that it tasted better this way. On that same line, there are even those who suggest that nothing will ever compare to their mono console and are set to instill a revival of such. No measurements or listening for that matter, appear to have any effect on their judgement. There argument is always that we can hear distortions that cannot be quantified, and measurements are of limited value (or none), and yet the fallacy belies their own opinion. This is because they are neither aware of the numerous forms of distortion that dynamically exist to create the sound they like and dislike, beyond what they were told or read about, and that the reason they like ESL's is because of the lower distortion. They like ESL's with lower distortion, and they like low distortion when discussing ESL's, if you catch my drift. But, they don't believe in measurements or distortion when the conversation changes to another speaker, or topic. Woe and contrived! It's confirmation bias. But, it's oodles of fun for pages! Giggity

I have to go bake a cat, and so my friends I will bid you fairtheewell, and farewell.
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Acoustat 1+1s with seperate interface to be place near the monoblocks also a pair of model 3s for the same friend in Barbados.

PS: The last two photos where packing for the long trip. ( they got there OK )


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"Proven fact"? You have an open invitation to listen to my system. My dedicated room is optimized for sound. I've been an electrostat fancier for nearly forty years.
As I wrote, it's not a matter of what personal preference you have. It's simple physical laws that dictates the fact that increased horizontal dispersion will lead to decreased sound quality in the sweet spot (Roger Sanders agrees). Now you may object to these laws but that's another debate.
I'm not aware of any of the Sound Labs actually demonstrating any discernable comb filtering artifacts. Measurements reflected this, but it's a pedantic practice that brings about no resolution in discussions like these. There is no proof, demonstratable effects, sane recourse, nor any other method of intervention that can wholly satisfy the subjectivist faction of an thee whom is betrothed by his own speakers or concepts.
Well, the same thing can be argued about your statement about resonance in the Acoustat panels. You haven't presented any numbers that shows how big the issue is (if there is one) with or without reinforced frames.

As I wrote before, every speaker, including Sound Lab's, is a result of compromises.
As I wrote, it's not a matter of what personal preference you have. It's simple physical laws that dictates the fact that increased horizontal dispersion will lead to decreased sound quality in the sweet spot (Roger Sanders agrees).
Nope. It's Roger's personal preferences vs. a large number of designers producing a wide range of speaker types. If you like lots of graphs and formulas, then click here for Sigfried Linkwitz' commentary. Sanders says a wide dispersion speaker cannot image well. Poppycock. His experience must be very limited if he truly believes that. While not as coherent, I've heard Nola Grand Exoticas and Scaena 1.4s create holographic images in a good room. I will readily agree that dipolar speakers sound best when optimized using room treatments as I do to provide a controlled amount of indirect radiation. Which - is what happens in live environments.

Perhaps you listen to concerts in very different halls than I. I find that the choice of seating position within a pretty large range changes the soundfield very little - so long as you're not at any extreme. I can change seats in any direction and hardly notice the difference. Do you find the image from seat F8 markedly different sounding from that of F12? Or H9? Which is the way the U-1s sound in my room. I can move around the room in front of or behind the speakers and the overall character changes very little. Like live music. At a concert hall. At a church. Listening to wifey play her baby grand in the living room. No beaming evident anywhere I go. No anechoic chambers for me.

As for me, I've never been to any concert in my life where moving my head inches noticeably changes the quality of the soundfield. That sounds unnatural and artificial to these ears. YMMV.
Don't know about you, but I often listen with friends or family. Each of us gets a good image. Without the venetian blind effect which destroys the illusion for me.

And sometimes, I need to use the bathroom. :)

#1 = When i invite friends over i let them sit in the sweet spot and expect the same when i'm the visitor.

#2 = I never listend with family.

#3 = As for the bathroom , i have a pause button on my cd player.:)
Look if i paid over 45k or what ever for a pr of SL.........I would hope i did not need to tell evey one how much better my speaker were than theres...
But i get the feeling you not going to Diy any upgreads of the week parts in you SL why come here like you going to sale us SL..
On the SLOG site....i see No post of E-stat....what do you fear from others that think like you......
Acoustat Answer Man had it right.....put up a SL post of your own!...........i know there a lot of DIyers here would lov it...
E-stats reminds me of a Audio salesman that would tell me that he had ONLY the best to sale .....even if i an others did not like was a joke then a still one now....good luck with your SL....for that money thay sould do born ever min....
Long Live Acoustat.
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Look if i paid over 45k for a pr of SL...
I purchased mine used for considerably less.

Sorry, I'll no longer respond to observations made by others about their custom designs or other commercial products like Roger Sander's Innersounds.

Long Live Acoustat.
It really is a shame Jim Strickland was not able to continue development.
Nope. It's Roger's personal preferences vs. a large number of designers producing a wide range of speaker types. If you like lots of graphs and formulas, then click here for Sigfried Linkwitz' commentary.
It's no surprise that many people prefer a bit of added reverb and distortion, there's a reason these effects are added to many music recordings to make them sound fuller and more "natural". But you can't argue that adding these effects during the listening session can make the sound reproduction come closer to the original recording.
As for me, I've never been to any concert in my life where moving my head inches noticeably changes the quality of the soundfield. That sounds unnatural and artificial to these ears. YMMV.
Like MrAcoustat I don't move around when listening to music, I stay in the sweet spot. With my Spectra's the sweet spot is about half a meter wide, enough for one person. And outside that area you won't have very good stereo image anyway.
It's no surprise that many people prefer a bit of added reverb and distortion, there's a reason these effects are added to many music recordings to make them sound fuller and more "natural".
Sure. The choice of the end result sounding more lifelike vs. fidelity to what is most often a flawed recording is one of many preferences.

Like whether you prefer boxes, horns or stats or some of each. Full range stats or stats that operate full range. Stats that beam. Stats that don't. Monopolar stats. Dipolar stats. Hybrids that vary either by driver complement or radiation pattern.

Vive la difference!
Sure. The choice of the end result sounding more lifelike vs. fidelity to what is most often a flawed recording is one of many preferences.

Like whether you prefer boxes, horns or stats or some of each. Full range stats or stats that operate full range. Stats that beam. Stats that don't. Monopolar stats. Dipolar stats. Hybrids that vary either by driver complement or radiation pattern.

Vive la difference!
Oui monsieur vive la différence et f _ _ k la balance.
Hey Andy whe just passed the 100 pages of this thread i would say that for 20 years old speakers that's a pretty successful thread i'm sure that whe can even go further than that so Acoustat owners all over keep them posts coming.

Please don't forget Life without Acoustat is possible BUT senseless.
bolserst.....thanks for be the goto guy for all here working on ESL sound.....
When i look at this setup.....i see a diode on one leg...look like pos Dc... an a res on the other leg..... ..... it looks like its after the bias transf....but were dose it go? this part of the Air mod...


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