Acoustic Horn Design – The Easy Way (Ath4)

Hi everybody,

Sorry to interrupt with a silly question, but I'm wondering if it could be possible to define both a horizontal and a vertical coverage angle in ATH to obtain a horn with a desired 60°x40° constant directivity pattern ? Because as far as I know I think it is only possible to define one coverage angle.


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In a general 3D case, providing values for horizontal and vertical angles is still not enough, as there is an infinite number of ways what can be in between - you have to provide values for all the angles and there are two ways how to do that: either with a guiding curve (GCurve.*), or with the explicit Coverage.Angle definiton, which can be any mathematical expression using a parameter 'p' which is the inclination angle (0 - 360°), possibly together with all the other OS-SE parameters varying as well.

You can create some really weird shapes this way. You can also combine it with the Morph.* feature which smoothly transforms any shape to have a rectangular mouth.

ATH - Advanced Transition Horns - Gallery
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Sure -

The "phase plug" (50x5V2), polars normalized to 10 deg, 0-90/5 deg:


The corresponding pulsating spherical cap (ø106 mm in this case - see the attached drawing):


Normalized impedances (blue=phase plug):



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Joined 2004
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To me this means that a waveguide optimized for a given spherical wavefront source will perform basically the same with the corresponding "phase plug" (still need to come up with a suitable name), i.e. it's possible to design it separately. At least the polar performace. The impedance (and the absolute SPL response) will still be affected by the details of the interface.
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Sure -

The "phase plug" (50x5V2), polars normalized to 10 deg, 0-90/5 deg:

The corresponding pulsating spherical cap (ø106 mm in this case - see the attached drawing):

Normalized impedances (blue=phase plug):

The radiation impedance has doubled, i.e. greater "loading", and yet there is no change in the radiated output. Looks like "loading" is not really a factor after all.
The polar output charts are normalised to the on-axis response in those most recent plots, so the increased loading at 800 Hz is possibly just 'masked' by the way the magnitude data is shown?

Given that it's a relatively narrow band loading peak, it would probably just need to be equalised out, though.
The radiation impedance has doubled, i.e. greater "loading", and yet there is no change in the radiated output. Looks like "loading" is not really a factor after all.

Earl those graphs are normalized polar plots converted to curves and so they will only show the directivity not the SPL gain of the extra RadImp at lower frequencies.

mabat could plot the SPL curves and they would look different.

edit: didn't see kyle's post.
Joined 2004
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I would also try to insert a straight tube (~2" long?) filled with open cell foam between the driver and the plug. Wonder what difference would that make...
The idea is that at least some of the wavefront non-flatness produced by the CD would hopefully end up as evanescent modes, damped in the tube. Also resonances would get damped pretty well I guess. The higher-order propagating modes at least partly damped.



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I can't find it. Do you have an idea which patent it would be? - Meyer Sound - Patents

If you want to get really esoteric, you could manipulate the velocity across the spherical wavefront with channel widths. No idea what that would do, but now it's an option.
Yes, there are quite a few degrees of freedom in this. I'm going to run a large automated batch with a random variation of most of it - it's fun to look for patterns in the results. Only need to adapt the tool a bit.
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