Acoustic Horn Design – The Easy Way (Ath4)

I suspect your 4.4kHz issue might be a radial cavity mode in the midrange chamber. 4.4kHz is about 78mm at 343 m/s, which seems suspiciously close to the 3" of the driver.
No joke I just loaded the old CAD file out of curiosity to check how far I spaced them apart and it's exactly 78mm

EDIT: the black line at 35 degrees is the centerline the 12mm port not shown
Screenshot 2022-12-31 154747.png
Hello to all, best NYD and same for orthodoxs festing in the few days to come.

I have not started my 2 or 3 ways with the st260 I am goin to be print. Having not the stl files of the R-OSS or the ST20 we, how please to proceed to get them?
I put the ath4 on my i7 laptop and proceed with the instructs of the ATH4 thread, how to do it" ?

Health, freedom and peace for 2023... still with music and audio :)
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the little horizontal wider is perhaps attractive for a 3.5 to 4 m listening spot from my 5.5 m width room and around 11 m length ?

I surmise I like to pick up the one having the less beamy top end and it is planned to be feeded by a 800hz Fs BMS around 900 to 1200 hz where it will sound best. Not decided yet if I put a 6 (Monacor 108 pro) or a 8 below or directly the 12 for a two ways. It is just planned for casual listening in an appartment. That's the constant directivity that I never experienced that is appealing to try horn + CD ! ... and 12" BR with flat group dela beteen 40 hz to 150 hz (to stay tigth and cope sealed enclosure bass behavior)

My idea was to stay 2 ways with a smooth 1.4 CD that has good treble behavior till the end like a Beyma 750 for instance but to cut off lower for the 12" ; i.e. more 800 hz, even 700 hz accordingg the directivity that match. But anyway it is not high spl or PA that is attracting me here, so 1" + 6" + st260/1" should suffuce and I remember the ST260 was as good for 6" than 8" or 12" bottom drivers, you said.
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Joined 2004
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All I can do is to provide a waveguide. What I can't is to tell you what to do with it, nor be responsible for that :)
It would be nice if people shared their proven and finished projects but I guess no one had the time for that yet (me included).

- I came up with this "W" version as I noticed that many people would couple the WG with a smallish woofer and then of course the DI matching can become problematic. So this version should suit to a smaller woofer a bit better. In the end I'd expect the results to be more similar than different, though.
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oh yeah, sure, I no here you share your intellectual work but not create loudspeakeer finished solution.

Was just talking about th concept usufull to use in my case and how to do to pass from the pdf to the stl file in order to send it to an outsourced printer (JLPCB I think). I dunno if JLPCB is able to print in one piece a bigger st360 for instance.
Hi mabat,
the new "waterfall" style graph is really nice.

Is there a way to manipulate roundover (angle) in ATH script with R-OSSE definition?
The new plot visualizes the on-axis ripple nicely which seems to be edge diffraction on a freestanding waveguide and visible for example with ST260. Rolling over the mouth edge bit more than 180 degrees would get rid of it.

Here some quick tests with old OS-SE definition I had stashed where increasing rollback from 180 to 220 degrees pretty much removes the on-axis ripple sa well as cleans the whole listening window some:
small-180-40_polar_fall.png small-200-40_polar_fall.png small-220-40_polar_fall.png

Trade-off that happens with OS-SE script rollback angle manipulation seems to be more interference on lower frequencies. I suspect short circular arc extending the R-OSSE generated profile would work nice, remove the on-axis ripple without affecting too much on the low frequencies. I'm not sure how I could add such rollback extension to the ABEC project files? Perhaps 30 degree arc whose radius is half wavelength of the ripple might work. For ST260 on-axis ripple around >5kHz this makes arc radius of ~3cm or so.

edit. sorry the last image label is wrong but I'm too lazy to modify it :D Filenames have the rollback angle.
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