Advice for first time two way build? Preferably MLTL, TL

I think I am narrowing my choices: it has to be 2-way with 8-10'' woofer crossed pretty high with tweeter or fullrange.
Yes, xrk WAW monitor is an option, but I want smth... more... hard to find a word.... The voice range covered by woofer kinda intriguing for me.

Well, what is good econowave project to try? Only thing I have decided for sure: no professional audio drivers. Pls no flame about this, I want little hi-fi feel in this project.
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Glad you saw the 10F/RS225 FAST/WAW TL thread. It’s a special speaker. Everyone who has built it loves the sound. Very smooth and balanced. Digs deep in bass extension. Very clear presentation and works for all genres. You can use other 8 ohm full range drivers. The RS225 is the star though.

HiFi feel usually means exaggerated treble above 10khz. Use an AMT or ribbon super tweeter with maybe 2.2uF cap and padding resistor.
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Glad you saw the 10F/RS225 FAST/WAW TL thread. It’s a special speaker. Everyone who has built it loves the sound. Very smooth and balanced. Digs deep in bass extension. Very clear presentation and works for all genres. You can use other 8 ohm full range drivers. The RS225 is the star though.

I have read that thread 2-3 times. All of it... The thing is that I want smth more with pronounced low freq but with the woofer still capable to produce some vocals. I want 10-12'' woofer assisted with tweeter or fullranger. It is a bit opposite to WAW. Woofer should take from 30Hz to 500Hz-2kHz (most of woman vocals would be perfect) the rest - fullranger, tweeter or compression driver. No extra dedicated subwoofers. That is my idea. I know that almost 6 octaves form 1 driver is a lot, but miracles happen :)

Most likely I will still build your project, but those Daytons are pricey in EU... "Singularities" or similar with PS220, W8-1808 are on the shortlist too.

HiFi feel usually means exaggerated treble above 10khz. Use an AMT or ribbon super tweeter with maybe 2.2uF cap and padding resistor.

Oh no! My understanding of hi-fi differs then. I have been in some hi-fi shows, and 7 to 8/10 speakers were unlistenable because of that exaggerated treble and ssssssssibilance everywhere... Some of them are that "good" that you want to leave in 10 seconds. I still remember JM Reynaud Abscisse because in the last show those were the most mellow yet still detailed sound, while others were exactly as you described. Surprisingly they have AMT and the construction is amazingly simple, but the sound was exactly to my taste.
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Founder of XSA-Labs
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30Hz to 500Hz-2kHz (most of woman vocals would be perfect) the rest - fullranger, tweeter or compression driver. No extra dedicated subwoofers. That is my idea. I know that almost 6 octaves form 1 driver is a lot, but miracles happen

No miracle, just great engineering. What you want is the Purifi PTT6.5 in a TL with a waveguide RST28F-4 tweeter. 30Hz to 3500Hz woofer, dome tweeter in WG above. Design is in this thread.

A Heil AMT is also very good and easy to integrate with Purifi woofer.

I also did the RAAL 70-20xr with Purifi and raw response is almost perfect before the XO.

But the 10F/RS225 TL with passive 1st order XO is still my favorite speaker and the woofer covers the vocals very well. Being 900Hz shallow -6dB/oct 1st order XO, it contributes well into 3kHz.

Please try it - you won’t be sorry. Also, use the ScanSpeak 10F. Amazing clarity and smooth liquid-like female vocals. Norah Jones, Diana Krall, Natalie Merchant, Suzanne Vega, Luciana Souza, Adele, etc. never sounded better on a speaker.
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Joined 2001
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it has to be 2-way with 8-10'' woofer crossed pretty high with tweeter or fullrange..

I am working on a document called A26 ReViz which started out as a proper box for SEAS A26 kit, but has grown from there.

The key is athe A26 10” woofer, it does not need to be used with the tweeter that come in the kit, and would make a good helper in a WAW.

It is still a work in progress… the link to the developing planset is here: #43)

No miracle, just great engineering. What you want is the Purifi PTT6.5 in a TL with a waveguide RST28F-4 tweeter. 30Hz to 3500Hz woofer, dome tweeter in WG above. Design is in this thread.

A Heil AMT is also very good and easy to integrate with Purifi woofer.

I also did the RAAL 70-20xr with Purifi and raw response is almost perfect before the XO.

But the 10F/RS225 TL with passive 1st order XO is still my favorite speaker and the woofer covers the vocals very well. Being 900Hz shallow -6dB/oct 1st order XO, it contributes well into 3kHz.

Please try it - you won’t be sorry. Also, use the ScanSpeak 10F. Amazing clarity and smooth liquid-like female vocals. Norah Jones, Diana Krall, Natalie Merchant, Suzanne Vega, Luciana Souza, Adele, etc. never sounded better on a speaker.

Wow! I did not knew it was RAAL speaker version also available. As this is European manufacturer, probably it will be much cheaper than in US.

You are very productive :)

I am working on a document called A26 ReViz which started out as a proper box for SEAS A26 kit, but has grown from there.

The key is athe A26 10” woofer, it does not need to be used with the tweeter that come in the kit, and would make a good helper in a WAW.

It is still a work in progress… the link to the developing planset is here: #43)


Dave, which #43 are you referring to? You wanted to add a link to some thread?
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Looks like i somehow typed in a parentheses and not the URL to the post. And it is Post #51

This thread. Seas A26 Devore Style Build

I am just prepping an update to the planset with more work on the big sealed drawing added its cut plan, and the same size CGR SEA-Ken mister miniOnken (and cut sheet). I think the latter could become a solid WAW helpere woofer box and as well as the midTweeter suggestions already, i am going to do a versatilemidTL that can sit on the top with a wide variaety of midTweeters.
