Aleph J-X Amp Project

Those were 100/16 BG N

So to avoid any more confusion, here are all 3 boards: one channel each, A30, F4 and F3. First two use 6 output devices per channel, F5 only two. They will all fit on a same heatsink without need to drill additional holes.


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I would like to make one more request.
Could you provide room for 6 output resistors as on Aleph 30 instead of 4 on Aleph J (to improve damping factor in to 4 Ohm load).
I am guessing this is already on the agenda.
But if not very easy to do.

Having said that 4 at 0.22Ohms (instead of 0.47) will work I guess.
Yes, with 6 resistors; the layout would be exactly the same as the A30 I did in a past, the only difference are input devices, that's the beauty of converting an older design by giving it a new twist.

Also, making it an X amp shouldn't be hard. Those boards are basically the output stages with a tiny area for front end circuitry. By placing 2 boards side by side, we would need a daughter board that mounts on top and "bridges" both sections into one X unit.

That could give a very "clever" setup with two options from a single board (2 regular amp channels and alternative front end section for an X option)
Hello Peter

Can we know more about the X version .For example transformer size , power supp. voltage .
Or you are not there yet?
I have a Aleph X but not with J input .
These would be great idea I think if you can keep the power supp voltage close to +/-24V
I would be interested on a stereo set PCB .
