Aleph J-X Amp Project

Hi Everyone. I just ordered the aleph-jx boards from Peter yesterday and am in the early stages of planning this project. Was wondering where the state-side members are sourcing the JS inputs. Did a quick search on the Digikey site and didn't turn up anything. Also, I just replaced the main caps in my A75 with 56k/50v Mallory CGS's from Digikey. At a cost of $64 each it will blow the budget for the X amp (64 x 8 = $512). If there's a cheaper alternative / supplier anyone is using I'd appreciate suggestions. You'll probably be seeing alot more of me on this thread once I get started.

Aleph J is a smaller amp than A75 and you don't need 8 x 56k caps (half of that is more than enough). Also, find the caps that are rated 35V, they will be cheaper. As for all small resistors, use Dale CMF50, available from DigiKey, as their smaler footprint fits nicely on my boards:
Good point Peter. I obviously haven't thought this through yet. With lower rail voltages I don't need caps rated at 50V, which would be cheaper. BTW is there an official schematic that coincides with your latest JX boards? I came across a couple on one of the threads here. Can't remember which one. With all the different discussions on design changes with each new GB wanna make sure I'm referring to the right one.



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I've read through this thread from beginning to end looking for builder listening impressions comparing the standard J to the JX. The question was asked several times somewhere in the middle of this thread but noone answered. I'm in the planning stages of this build and am trying to decide whether to just do the standard J or the X version. If the X-ed version is worth the extra effort I'm leaning toward starting there. Things seemed to have quieted down but am hoping someone can offer up their impressions.

I originally started off to build a Aleph JX, but soon understood that it is way more complex to build than a Aleph J. I had then changed my mind and built a stock Aleph J and I am very happy with the outcome.

Compared to F5, Aleph J is difficult to build in my opinion, and then Aleph JX is more complex than J. If someone is attempting a Pass amp for the first time, then F5 is probably the right place to start.

My two cents.

After rereading the last 20-30 posts on this thread I don't think I'm up to dedicating the time and effort to build the X version, regardless of performance. I've built plenty of gear before but only 1 amp...the A75...and that appears to have been a cakewalk compared to what others have experienced trying to do an X. Figure if I start with an X and it goes bad that'll be less time for listening and other projects. And the F5 looks like a great project also (anyone have any F5 boards for sale?). Too many projects and not enough time. I'll never run out of things to do when I retire.
An now, where you have the experience from building the F5 and Aleph J, are you planning the build of the JX or are you that happy with your amps that you won't do that (in the near future)?


I have no intentions of doing a JX. I find the X part too complex for me. Fundamentally there is no schematic for JX, other than the X frontend hand drawn by Peter Daniel and which also has some component values listed very subjectively and require some experimentation. My knowledge is not that deep to understand the circuit well enough and make the required changes.
Hi Everyone
I got all the main parts together for the ajx (exept for the 2sj109 or its equivalent) and worked out an easy prototype setup Richt now there are 1156 contributions to this forum but no report of a completely finished ajx or how this amp sounds.
Could someone report on this. I'm so curious ...

Regards René
I built 1 channel quite early on. Pretty straight forward I seem to remember and I'm not that skilled at all. Need to build the other channel sometime. Its always the case that takes the time for me. Ide get going and ask questions when you reach a problem.... I didnt listen to the 1 channel much as mono isnt my bag...
Patrick is the consummate experimenter, I'm just an experienced hacker.

If you like to tinker and have the test equipment and knowledge concerning how the Aleph circuitry works, I would say go for it!

Get the board set and build a SE Aleph first if you haven't done one previously, and dig in to it's workings. A few aspects of the Aleph amps are greatly compromised when you X two together.

I would not recommend it to someone merely trying to cobble something together as a first time or even second time project.

But that is just my opinion.