Altec VOTT A7 using CAD and CNC

Back panel bracing and front horn bracing all glued in nicely.


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Thanks Cal...your'e very well regarded on the Altec I appreciate your kind remarks.

I'm also starting a smaller version of the bass horn, using 515 drivers.

This takes the cues from the A7...but about 3/4 the size.

I've even created a 1/3 scale of it, using 10mm CNC'd check all the panels line up. See pic of little white cardboard horn. See also pic of my 3D rendering of this horn. Can be sat as a low profile, or an upright profile. Target response 50Hz-600Hz. Ported. Using Euro Birch Ply...same as A7.

This will be for a two-way horn system, with one of my DIY CAD/CNC Yuichi horns on top and driver TBA, maybe 288, or a modern Radian or Faital Pro two inch.

Active xover, dual amps etc.



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Flares in, lid on, min wool felt in.


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How I wish I would have room for a set of those... After hearing my next door neighbors Altec Barcelona's I would so love to hear the real VOTT speakers.

FWIW, the Barcelona's 411 woofer sounds enough different to the 416-515 and the horn driver's prosound Symbiotik diaphragm compared to the standard aluminum ones is like comparing phenolic ones to titanium ones, plus factor in the 411's much lower efficiency and super high Vas to work well in 6 ft^3 sealed and to say that the difference to a VOTT would be a 'night and day' one would be a gross understatement at best.

Had Altec used a standard aluminum diaphragm and done better damping of the horn, it might have sold better; for sure it would have been much more HIFI/easy on the ears. As it was, I lusted after cabinets as they were a perfect match to my then Mediterranean decor living room, then walked away in disgust after probably only 30-40 sec. since I'd already auditioned its vastly superior [to many folk's ears] 9846 studio monitor it was based on a few weeks? before.

Flares in, lid on, min wool felt in.

Congrats! Until someone makes a VOTT cab out of concrete, thick plate stainless steel or similar, it looks like yours are going to be the world's most rigid construction, ergo least able to 'color' the sound other than by Altec design, though I can't help but wonder if the DIY ones I did way back when with triangulated bracing, a double thickness top plate [since I didn't use a screwed on horn 'sled'] and oily/kitty litter filled horn cavities would come measurably close enough.

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Thanks GM, I'll keep that response for my Resume...!

Just finished tonight...and fitted 515G's for initial testing.

Really liked the sound...took quite some time to adjust MiniSP to suit, eg 550Hz xover with BW 12db slope to match 600Hz Azura horns.

I now know these cabs need a BIG room....I just wanted to turn them up rally loud to test them.


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Install spikes!

Beautiful job!

While I realize the cabinets are a pain to move around, I'd replace the casters with spikes once they are in their new home. I believe the bottom end would sound considerably better if properly coupled to the floor.

Again, very nice!

i did the measurements, unfortunately i don't have the before and after, only before and after with azura horn on top :)

Outstanding! It's statistically identical to Altec's measurement above the box tuning BW once I realized your plot wasn't a true log one. All it really needs now is a proper set of 'wings' and HF horn baffle + horn super-tweeter and separate sub system to make it a truly high SQ full-range HE system.