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Amanero Isolator/Reclocker GB

Yes, there's nothing particularly wrong/bad/evil about DoP. It simply adds 2 extra (non-destructive) processing stages.
My various comments throughout this forum thread about native DSD and DoP have all been in the interest of compatibility/interoperability of different hardware and systems.
So DoP delivers native DSD.
Well, at the end of the digital signal chain, yes. But a DoP signal/stream is still different to a native DSD signal/stream, so I think the term "native" is a useful distinction; again, in the interests of system compatibility.
BTW, are you the same Clive that I travelled to Seattle with a few years back?


And if anyone want's a discussion about "pure" DSD, they should be turning their attention to what happens to the "pure" DSD data once it hits the silicon. ie. the DAC chip. Is it a "pure" DSD path from there onwards, or is the first thing the DAC chip does with your "pure" DSD data, is convert it to PCM and process it as PCM? LOL!
And in all the excitement, my post 2210 may have been missed, so let me repeat:
native-DSD streaming is supported by JRiver server, oShare, MinimServer, and Twonky.

Are you sure about MinimServer? I ask because I did give it a try and found it was utilising DoP (nothing wrong with that per se!). it's not an issue for me either way as I didn't like what I perceived as the unnecessary complication of it and stopped using it.

Just to eliminate one or two possibilities, I've done a completely clean install of Botic V4 and then updated to V5. Incidentally, upmpdcli is now included within the distribution so no need for a separate installation.

The updates made no difference to the recognition issue I'm experiencing but at least I'm now on the current versions of software.

The quest continues.


Is there a clearly documented feature updates or revision history of Botic somewhere? In that we do have to pick the pile to see what is really inside and also avoid surprises.

Greetings, we should catch up again. I'll drop you a line.

And if anyone want's a discussion about "pure" DSD, they should be turning their attention to what happens to the "pure" DSD data once it hits the silicon. ie. the DAC chip. Is it a "pure" DSD path from there onwards, or is the first thing the DAC chip does with your "pure" DSD data, is convert it to PCM and process it as PCM? LOL!

Can't argue with that as a possibility, there's a lot smoke and mirrors in this hobby. That said, one of the things that attracted me towards DSD was the possibility of not needing a DAC chip based on, as I recall, stijn's report on a discrete DSD convertor prototype.


And if anyone want's a discussion about "pure" DSD, they should be turning their attention to what happens to the "pure" DSD data once it hits the silicon. ie. the DAC chip. Is it a "pure" DSD path from there onwards, or is the first thing the DAC chip does with your "pure" DSD data, is convert it to PCM and process it as PCM? LOL!

Well, re:9018 DAC, it apparently does not convert DSD to PCM as would have thought. ESS would not really release much information on this pure DSD path as it is proprietary information, afaik
Are you sure about MinimServer?
I only know what I see documented on the web. A quick search now gives me several links all claiming that MinimServer does native DSD streams. The best I found was this -
which shows different MinimServer configurations for native-DSD and DoP.
You will see that DoP configuration requires the "stream.transcode" field to have certain settings entered. Native DSD configuration requires these fields be empty.

It's feasible that your MinimServer installation was pre-configured for DoP, and all you needed to do was delete those fields for native DSD.
Then again, there might be a separate mime-type configuration required - YMMV.

Well, I seem to have made a breakthrough and I've just been playing a native DSD file from the Asset UPnP V5 media library to Botic with BubbleUPnP as the control point. Evidence of the success is the DSD led lighting up on the interface card and from checking the Asset debug file.

In the end all I did was change the Asset configuration to serve dsf and dff files in only those formats; as I mentioned before it normally offers alternative transcoded formats to cater for varying renderer capabilities and was previously slecting one of those.

Thanks are due to medoc92, the author of upmpdcli, who has been helpful and pointed me in the right direction.

Off for an evening out now so more testing and evaluation tomorrow.


I have tested output of the Amanero when playing DSD.

The I2S/DSD output when playing DSD is pure PWM (DSD)

Please testing this:
Make a Lowpass R/C filter put it on the output of the Amanero and you got Sound.


Thanks Caaad, we have discussed this before and good to see you have results. Yes, no DAC required as such for extracting audio from DSD
This morning I've been testing again and have been enjoying DSD64 and DSD128 music files via BBB/Botic. It seems to work consistently and sound quality is excellent. I've been checking the DSD led status and the Asset debug logs to confirm all is well.

I'm still experiencing the occasional truncation of tracks with playback skipping to the next track but, as I've commented previously, I believe that is due to network limitations (wireless network connection and Asset media library is on a laptop that is being used as a laptop).

I did experience one hiccough when things locked up when I transitioned from DSD playback to a FLAC file on my normal NAS hosted library but it hasn't recurred.

Anyway, it looks as though I have a platform to take forward.

So no need for the end point display to resolve DoP, I'm glad you guys sorted all that out.

My control point, BubbleUPnP does indicate what is being played on it's 'Now Playing' view (for example FLAC 24bit 96KHz) but it doesn't display correctly or consistently for DSD, sometimes for DSD64 it will show something like 2800kbps/384KHz and for DSD128 5600kbps/768KHz. I plan to raise this as an issue with the Bubble developers.
