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Amanero Isolator/Reclocker GB

While I am waiting a new Amanero fw,

New FW release for S03-Amanero Combo384 external clocking is available for download:

CPLD Slave_1095_div2
CPU firmware_1095slave

the CPU firmware is already configured for MCLK/2 and Pin1 and Pin11 as oscillator selectors. So use it straight for S03 with 45/49.xx Clocks

I have tested it with AKU384 below and works fine now for Fs up 192KHz even when switching between 44.1/48k. Also works well for DSD64 and DSD128 music.

But DxD (352.8k) from 2L-Nordic (http://www.lindberg.no/hires/test/2L38_01_DXD.zip) gets garbled!

Please check with your setup and advise ...

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
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New FW release for S03-Amanero Combo384 external clocking is available for download:

CPLD Slave_1095_div2
CPU firmware_1095slave

the CPU firmware is already configured for MCLK/2 and Pin1 and Pin11 as oscillator selectors. So use it straight for S03 with 45/49.xx Clocks

@Lemon, just realized that your S03 does Div/2 already, so please set MCLK/1 in Amanero. You may want to bypass the divider in future, then use MCLK/2 prescaler.
1. See if you could bypass the divider on S03 like what was done with Chanh's setup (using 45/49.xx osc.). You will then need to punch in the 90/98.xx figures into the Botic driver as indicated below:
According to Chanh the imaging improved on his setup with this direct drive ...
No rush, all in good time :D:D:D
Hi Ray,

Pls keep us posted when you are doing this?
Personally, I found doing the bypass yields more clarity and better precision, hence lead to better focus which lead to better sound imaging. This is effortlessly noticeable under my setup, and you probably already knew that I use DDDAC with I/V stage to Output Transformers to Valves preamps and to Vavles poweramps. Based on my setup, there is no going back. ::p The effectiveness might varies with yours?

@Acko - like Ray, I too would like to box up my BBB/S03 streamer via DDDAC. Would be nice to know your BBB-Cape progress and if there is an estimate completion date?

New FW release for S03-Amanero Combo384 external clocking is available for download:

CPLD Slave_1095_div2
CPU firmware_1095slave

the CPU firmware is already configured for MCLK/2 and Pin1 and Pin11 as oscillator selectors. So use it straight for S03 with 45/49.xx Clocks

I have tested it with AKU384 below and works fine now for Fs up 192KHz even when switching between 44.1/48k. Also works well for DSD64 and DSD128 music.

But DxD (352.8k) from 2L-Nordic (http://www.lindberg.no/hires/test/2L38_01_DXD.zip) gets garbled!

Please check with your setup and advise ...

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Hi acko
The new amanero fw is not at the amanero web site.
Could you relpy with a link to the download?
I'm using my SO3 with an ES9018 DAC so have the option of a lossless digital volume control but I've been wondering whether a similar function could be achieved on the BBB and I guess that might be of interest to some of you who don't have volume control on your DAC. Anyway, I posted a question on miero's botic thread;


you may care to read it, and the following few posts, as miero confirms that it might be possible with just a small config change on the BBB. I plan to give it a try.

I'm using my SO3 with an ES9018 DAC so have the option of a lossless digital volume control but I've been wondering whether a similar function could be achieved on the BBB and I guess that might be of interest to some of you who don't have volume control on your DAC. Anyway, I posted a question on miero's botic thread;


you may care to read it, and the following few posts, as miero confirms that it might be possible with just a small config change on the BBB. I plan to give it a try.


Very interesting! I would think you could also use it with the 9018 DAC for remote control of Vol using this BBB renderer just like Edel NMR. May be you could compare with local Vol control and see. BTW, how do you plan to use this Linux-C code. Miero makes it look simple but many us will find this gibberish...:scratch:
@Acko - like Ray, I too would like to box up my BBB/S03 streamer via DDDAC. Would be nice to know your BBB-Cape progress and if there is an estimate completion date?


All deserve to be boxed up nicely!
SuperCape prototype boards were due in this week but apparently some chaotic situations in China resulted in the package going astray. Supplier has now offered to replace but will be cutting close with the impending Chinese New Year holidays:xfingers:
Will keep you all updated...
Hi Acko, yes, very interesting!

I would think you could also use it with the 9018 DAC for remote control of Vol using this BBB renderer just like Edel NMR.

I really like the volume function on the Edel NMR and it was that which got me thinking about whether the same could be achieved with the BBB. If it works it would enable lossless digital volume control regardless of the downstream DAC.

...how do you plan to use this Linux-C code. Miero makes it look simple but many us will find this gibberish...:scratch:

miero's instructions were very simple, add the following line to the file /etc/mpd.conf on the BBB;
mixer_type "software"
miero did say that he hadn't tried it.

I'm conscious that I have no means of objectively assessing this and certainly no means of inspecting the input/output data to check for accuracy so the best I can do is to listen, which will be reliant on my 'audio' memory and be subject to the vagaries of setting the same listening levels.



Ray, I've been using that setting. I've been made to believe that reducing volume in "Software" is achieved by decreasing the bit depth (maybe a more knowledgable person can elaborate in this). But I've not heard a big appearent audible difference, although this is hard to judge with different sound levels as several other factors come in to play.

But, yes it's a very easy config change and a feature of MPD.
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Joined 2010
Paid Member
Hi Acko, yes, very interesting!

I really like the volume function on the Edel NMR and it was that which got me thinking about whether the same could be achieved with the BBB. If it works it would enable lossless digital volume control regardless of the downstream DAC.

miero's instructions were very simple, add the following line to the file /etc/mpd.conf on the BBB;
miero did say that he hadn't tried it.

I'm conscious that I have no means of objectively assessing this and certainly no means of inspecting the input/output data to check for accuracy so the best I can do is to listen, which will be reliant on my 'audio' memory and be subject to the vagaries of setting the same listening levels.


Hi Ray,

Are two weeks now that the Edel NMR is playing music in my dac replacing the rpi with the S03.

It is well-know that the rpi is not the best choice but I did not expect this BIG step ahead.

Will be interesting to compare the Edel with the BBB and S03. I have all the parts for the BBB and the new S03 and I just need to found the time to build it AND to understand how can make it work... actually I am not a good linux guy :eek:

Hi Acko, yes, very interesting!

I really like the volume function on the Edel NMR and it was that which got me thinking about whether the same could be achieved with the BBB. If it works it would enable lossless digital volume control regardless of the downstream DAC.

miero's instructions were very simple, add the following line to the file /etc/mpd.conf on the BBB;
miero did say that he hadn't tried it.

I'm conscious that I have no means of objectively assessing this and certainly no means of inspecting the input/output data to check for accuracy so the best I can do is to listen, which will be reliant on my 'audio' memory and be subject to the vagaries of setting the same listening levels.


Thanks Ray, yes, the logic follows accordingly. We have also come to a stage where listening tests and impressions are driving the developments, so go for it :)
Thanks Ray, absolutely delighted:cheers:
Looks like a melting pot of different technologies in harmony and yeah the craftsmanship! Feels like I have fallen behind the curve with all your progress :yikes:

Anyway, I will see whether I could reel you in with some homework:mischiev::D

1. See if you could bypass the divider on S03 like what was done with Chanh's setup (using 45/49.xx osc.). You will then need to punch in the 90/98.xx figures into the Botic driver as indicated below:

According to Chanh the imaging improved on his setup with this direct drive ...

2. Try DxD music (352.8K Fs) using the sample file from 2L-Nordic e.g:

3. Bypass oversampling in the 9018 DAC for DxD as above using the OSF Bypass function and see if things improve in this "NOS" mode

4. I am assuming your DPLL_BW is at "Lowest" setting. Try setting DPLL_BW to "No Bandwidth" and see if DAC still locks for all Fs - and if any improvement follows...

No rush, all in good time :D:D:D

Another request:worship::
#5. Compare network streaming with music served locally from an SD Card on BBB itself. Re: Chanh's experience seems to indicate the latter is better
#3+: measure and inspect DAC output using FFT while trying this one -- you'll see that disabling OSF is not a thing you want to do without digital signal processing

Miero, we talking about a natively recorded super hi-res format. Not upsampled 44.1k to 352.8k using SoX etc. So why would we need signal processing and filtering before DAC?

#5+: try this instead: copy file from NAS to ramdisk and play it from there, e.g. into /tmp directory
Good one, thanks :)