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Amanero Isolator/Reclocker GB

Hi Jean-Francois,

I really appreciate that you kindly join us in the thread helping me in this issue and giving to us the detailed explanation. Thanks!

This morning I make the following steps in putty to understand if I can reproduce the problem with mpc/mpd only without upmpdcli active:

1 - I run grep http /var/log/mpd/mpd.log

2 - From the list I copy just one line (Feb 20 00:21 : player: played "")

3 - I stop the upmpdcli with sudo /etc/init.d/upmpdcli stop - Putty reply : [OK] Stopping upmpdcli (via systemctl): upmpdcli.service.

4 - I cleaned the playlist with with mpc clear

5 - I added some traces from the list I get with mcp add (I added some other traces just changing the number after the NDLNA)

6 - With mpc play and mcp next I can run the 8 traces that I created in the playlist

The result is the same and in two traces even worse... the time of glitches, pops and trace jumps getting longer, 10 to 12 seconds.
After the first second the trace is perfectly played up to the next trace.

My network is a typical home wireless network where the NAS (media server) and the BBB are wired link to the router.

Sorry, I didn't mentioned before. In the same network I use for long time the RPI with Volumio and I never face this kind of issues...

Thanks again for your time and Best Regards,


I think that this confirms that this is a pure mpd issue when pulling FLAC data through the curl input plugin in this case. UPnP/upmpdcli are not in the loop (not that I want to pass the problem to somebody else, but it would not be to useful to look in the wrong place).

I am not running this distribution, but from what I see on the image download, it has mpd 0.16 ? You could confirm this by running "mpd --version" in a terminal.

If this is the case, I think that an upgrade to a recent version of mpd would have a good chance to clear the problem. I have an mpd 0.19.9 package compiled for the Raspberry PI (raspbian), which may have a chance to run (not 100% sure, there could be dependancy issues). I could forward it to you if you confirm the current version.

Hi jf,

The current version 1.18.02-dsd-rt.

I thank for your kind offer to send me the mpd 0.19.9 but you should also give the clear instruction to how can I update to the version :)

Best Regards,

Installing the other version will be a simple command, I'm more concerned about restoring the current one. Do you know how to make a backup of the current system image or is it not an issue to reinstall it ?
Installing the other version will be a simple command, I'm more concerned about restoring the current one. Do you know how to make a backup of the current system image or is it not an issue to reinstall it ?

Ok, just to not let this dangling, we did try to install the raspbian mpd 0.19.9 package, but there are too many differences between the distributions (Raspbian is a bit ahead), and we failed. Restore will consist in re-flashing an image, and waiting for the new version.
Bit late to the party, not sure if it's still open:

SuperCape EOI:

PET-240 x 2
Chanh x2
Acko x1
Stijn001 x1
Emyeuoi x 2
Mull3t x2
Myint 67x1
bk856er x1
Supersurfer x1
RollE2k x1
Crazikid x 1
Nautibuoy x1
DQ828 x 1
Lindamar x 2
iancortez x 1
CAAD x 1
Greg Stewart x 1 (but you knew that, Acko... also, maybe x 2)
IanS1 x 1
tods 1x
wlowes x 1
odem81 x1
ochabo x1
potstip x1
dwjames x1
vanofmonks x1
wollie x 2
jarrettv x 1
MadKid x 1
mvaldes x 1
lintweaker x 1
Joined 2010
Paid Member
Ok, just to not let this dangling, we did try to install the raspbian mpd 0.19.9 package, but there are too many differences between the distributions (Raspbian is a bit ahead), and we failed. Restore will consist in re-flashing an image, and waiting for the new version.

Jean Francois,
Thanks for all the time that you dedicate trying to solve my problem.
As you said we try hard but with no success.
Now we can just wait for the new release...

All the Best,
I'm finally getting around to finishing off a DAC that I started some time ago :rolleyes:. I was going to use the ACKO AKL-AMN-S02 board just as an isolator for the Amanero board, but I'm not sure the boards are compatible. If you look at the picture you will see on the top right of the Amanero output header labels F1 F2 & F3 where the Acko board has them labelled as ground.

Does anyone know if they are compatible?

I'm pretty sure (is inside another DAC) on my other Amanero board F1 F2 & F3 are ground connections, the 2 Amanero boards appear to be different versions.

As I am connecting this to a BIII with no re-clocking does anyone know which firmware I should use?

Re-clocking is for the next Super DAC :)


  • ACKO Amanero01_1.JPG
    ACKO Amanero01_1.JPG
    469.7 KB · Views: 290
Ok, just to not let this dangling, we did try to install the raspbian mpd 0.19.9 package, but there are too many differences between the distributions (Raspbian is a bit ahead), and we failed. Restore will consist in re-flashing an image, and waiting for the new version.

I've been AWOL from the thread for a short while and missed this discussion. Just to reiterate, I'm using upmpdcli on top of botic with no problems.

In case it is relevant, I'm using AssetUPnP as my media server and my network is wired between the server and the renderer, I only use wireless for the control point (BubbleUPnP). Also, if a rather tenuous connection I suspect, my Botic BBB/Acko SO3/Buffalo IIIse DAC are operating in full sync mode using the SO3 clocks.

Medoc92, while I maybe have your attention; I plan to try the mpd software volume control add-on with my Botic BBB. I presume upmpdcli/BubbleUPnP will control it? I know software volume controls are frowned upon but I understand the mpd add-on operates losslessly, (though I don't understand the code) so I'm hopeful of having a convenient facility whilst maintaining the excellent sound quality I've achieved. Do you have a view on the mpd software volume control?



I've been AWOL from the thread for a short while and missed this discussion. Just to reiterate, I'm using upmpdcli on top of botic with no problems.

In case it is relevant, I'm using AssetUPnP as my media server and my network is wired between the server and the renderer, I only use wireless for the control point (BubbleUPnP). Also, if a rather tenuous connection I suspect, my Botic BBB/Acko SO3/Buffalo IIIse DAC are operating in full sync mode using the SO3 clocks.

Medoc92, while I maybe have your attention; I plan to try the mpd software volume control add-on with my Botic BBB. I presume upmpdcli/BubbleUPnP will control it? I know software volume controls are frowned upon but I understand the mpd add-on operates losslessly, (though I don't understand the code) so I'm hopeful of having a convenient facility whilst maintaining the excellent sound quality I've achieved. Do you have a view on the mpd software volume control?



Oh, nearly forgot, I run botic/upmpdcli from eMMC.


I've been AWOL from the thread for a short while and missed this discussion. Just to reiterate, I'm using upmpdcli on top of botic with no problems.

In case it is relevant, I'm using AssetUPnP as my media server and my network is wired between the server and the renderer, I only use wireless for the control point (BubbleUPnP). Also, if a rather tenuous connection I suspect, my Botic BBB/Acko SO3/Buffalo IIIse DAC are operating in full sync mode using the SO3 clocks.

Medoc92, while I maybe have your attention; I plan to try the mpd software volume control add-on with my Botic BBB. I presume upmpdcli/BubbleUPnP will control it? I know software volume controls are frowned upon but I understand the mpd add-on operates losslessly, (though I don't understand the code) so I'm hopeful of having a convenient facility whilst maintaining the excellent sound quality I've achieved. Do you have a view on the mpd software volume control?



I am not too sure about an MPD software volume control "add on", as far as I know software volume control is an integral MPD feature which you turn on by adding a 'mixer_type "software"' line in the configuration file.

If this is what we are talking about, it will work fine, that's what I am using with my rpi+hifiberry setups (no hardware volume control on the board).

For quality, you will have to trust your ears, I really have no opinion.

I had a quick look at the mpd code, and it seems well thought out, not just the "divide by factor" kind, but they don't give the origin of the algorithm, so I don't know how to find an competent opinion about it. Found a possibly interesting discussion here: MPD volume vs hardware volume : General discussion • RuneAudio Forum

I guess that any kind of digital volume control is bound to narrow the available dynamic range, so it all depends on how many bits you're working with and how good your ears are :) (mine are very bad).
I am not too sure about an MPD software volume control "add on", as far as I know software volume control is an integral MPD feature which you turn on by adding a 'mixer_type "software"' line in the configuration file.

If this is what we are talking about, it will work fine, that's what I am using with my rpi+hifiberry setups (no hardware volume control on the board).

For quality, you will have to trust your ears, I really have no opinion.

I had a quick look at the mpd code, and it seems well thought out, not just the "divide by factor" kind, but they don't give the origin of the algorithm, so I don't know how to find an competent opinion about it. Found a possibly interesting discussion here: MPD volume vs hardware volume : General discussion • RuneAudio Forum

I guess that any kind of digital volume control is bound to narrow the available dynamic range, so it all depends on how many bits you're working with and how good your ears are :) (mine are very bad).

Thank you Jean Francois.

Yes, it was 'mixer-type' option I was referring to. I will give it a listen myself but I appreciate your comments on it's computational aspects; I'll check out the link.

Im not using this boards but have anybody have trouble with clicks and pops when in slave mode when oscillators are changed?

Im using 1080 firmware with Slave2224 and an IL717 and oscillators with 4ms startup time. Havent scooped it out yet to see if its my implementation or whats going on.
Im not using this boards but have anybody have trouble with clicks and pops when in slave mode when oscillators are changed?

Im using 1080 firmware with Slave2224 and an IL717 and oscillators with 4ms startup time. Havent scooped it out yet to see if its my implementation or whats going on.

I'm running an Acko SO3 in full sync mode with a Beaglebone and Buffalo DAC and it works seamlessly.

Joined 2010
Paid Member
Hi Enrico,

I do have a clitch/crack sound every time a track is changing. It lasts less then fraction of a second, nothing to be concerning.
1. I started with a fresh image from Miero.
2. Install upmpdcli with instructions provided as Jean-Lious web site. When you do "nano /etc/apt/..../upmpdcli.list" ensure all words are precise and accurate. It is easy to have typo, for me anyway. Also ensure the two lines are typo free before save and exist.
3. Once exist, type "apt-get update & apt-get upgrade"
4. Once the above are done, typically take 10mins pending your isp's speed. Type "apt-get install upmpdcli"
5. Type reboot once it is done.

You can further tweak static ip or dynamic from "nano /etc/network/interfaces" personally I prefer static ip.

From here on it should be working fine.

Hi Chan,

My apologize :eek:... I didn't see you kind post in the middle of the all other posts and PMs and trying to make it wotk.

Thanks for the steps description that are exactly what I am doing including the IP static.
Look like you too have some pops even if less amount... so, I am not the only one in this word

As far I see my last chance will be to install it directly in the eMMC and cross the fingers.

Bit late to the party, not sure if it's still open:
Yes, still open. Waiting for prototype boards to turn up, ETA mid-March...

SuperCape EOI:

PET-240 x 2
Chanh x2
Acko x1
Stijn001 x1
Emyeuoi x 2
Mull3t x2
Myint 67x1
bk856er x1
Supersurfer x1
RollE2k x1
Crazikid x 1
Nautibuoy x1
DQ828 x 1
Lindamar x 2
iancortez x 1
CAAD x 1
Greg Stewart x 1 (but you knew that, Acko... also, maybe x 2)
IanS1 x 1
tods 1x
wlowes x 1
odem81 x1
ochabo x1
potstip x1
dwjames x1
vanofmonks x1
wollie x 2
jarrettv x 1
MadKid x 1
mvaldes x 1
lintweaker x 1
I'm finally getting around to finishing off a DAC that I started some time ago :rolleyes:. I was going to use the ACKO AKL-AMN-S02 board just as an isolator for the Amanero board, but I'm not sure the boards are compatible. If you look at the picture you will see on the top right of the Amanero output header labels F1 F2 & F3 where the Acko board has them labelled as ground.

Does anyone know if they are compatible?

I'm pretty sure (is inside another DAC) on my other Amanero board F1 F2 & F3 are ground connections, the 2 Amanero boards appear to be different versions.

As I am connecting this to a BIII with no re-clocking does anyone know which firmware I should use?

Re-clocking is for the next Super DAC :)

No harm connecting the new version of Amanero to the S02. F1-F3 are open collector outputs and can be connected to ground- will not fault.

Use the factory default firmware 1080 in master mode for your Async operation of the BIII
Hi Chan,

My apologize :eek:... I didn't see you kind post in the middle of the all other posts and PMs and trying to make it wotk.

Thanks for the steps description that are exactly what I am doing including the IP static.
Look like you too have some pops even if less amount... so, I am not the only one in this word

As far I see my last chance will be to install it directly in the eMMC and cross the fingers.

Hi Enrico,

I am unsure how extensive is your tix/pop but my setup is running very smoothly without an issue if the current playing track was allowed to finish and flows over to the next in the playlist. The tiny tix noise (only last millisecond) is only occurring when I skip (press the >>| button) during a track is playing. This coincides with the spidf input of this DDDAC. Similar issue was detected and also reported to Doede back dated when I have initially built this DDDAC. Doede acknowledged and has advised "no drama for concerning". Therefore, it is likely that this design of DDDAC is the culprit as being "None OverSampling" and zero digital filter(s), unlike others?

Just in case you haven't notice, there is no different in whatsoever if the image is loaded from MicroSD or eMMC. If any, eMMC is more convenience, maybe?

I hope it helps?
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