Ambience tweeters using small BMR drivers

Joined 2008
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The cost would be too high indeed.

I did some measurements in room with UMIK and REW. The red line is listening position (psychoacoustic smoothing and raw) and the green line is near field top driver (0.5 m distance). I guess it confirms my impression of a non-agressive sound with the treble roll off.

These little boxes are just awesome to try different omnidirectional-like arrangements. I must definitely try also the 4 tweeter Sonab/Carlsson OA style speaker setup (placed around a top firing woofer) with them.


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Today I finally did a quick and dirty test. I placed the ambient speakers to temporary stands. The effect is interesting and the speakers definitely add ambience. Now, without them, the sound seems a bit too dry, it is addictive. I have to play around with the level and also frequency limitations on the ambient speakers. I am really happy with the result.
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I made more permanent stands - as these will be placed behind the MF/HF section on top of a midbass horn. I used a leftover piece from a 12" speaker baffle cut out and a piece of 48 x 19 mm plank:)


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Joined 2008
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Due to my recent experiments with the K-Tube, it should work well as an ambient tweeter. It has a wide and slightly frequency dependent dispersion, so I think a single 5" tube should work well. And since DonVK also simulated a dual tube arrangement, where the dispersion is symmetrical and wider, I now got a crazy idea of a dual slot front attachment for a compression driver. As a bonus, I think it would introduce some phase anomalies as well. I will share my impressions when I try these out.
Thanks Bill -
I've had a number of problems with crimp on quick disconnects, for one, just wrangling the slide on connector to fit snugly. I realized that I can use a feeler gauge to find just the right thickness for the tab, and prep all of them in one quick session.
The holes in the tabs are so tiny that I'd have to use 20G wire max to fit. So crimpons should work better for me now. We will see....
yeah crimping

You don't have to use the holes, I almost never do. Just wrap the wire around it once and solder. (Depends on how confident you are about soldering -- for me, I'm 500% more likely to screw it up or break terminals with push-on connectors!)

I've had similar problems with crimping push on connectors, yet now I think I might have the solution for this project. A real plus is that the terminals for the little Tectonic TEBM35C10-4 drivers are actually pretty sturdy, unlike, say the little Fountek drivers. Time will tell. Also wondering if I will have to use EQ in the array, and due to the nature of the beast, looks like I'd need to use my trusty Omnimic and perform room averaging to determine FR.
But it should be fun and a challenge, which is half of why I do this crazy hobby!
Thanks Bill -
No, not an ambiance tweeter use.
I'm going to build a CBT24 array with the BMRs. Response is a bit bumpy, though, so I'll make the decision later if I need a mini-dsp to flatten it out. I may end up using the DSP room correction on my main Marantz 1602 HTR. Time will tell.