Amp Camp Amp Kit 1.6/1.8

Joined 2019
Paid Member
My measurements on resistors are pretty, some are definitely confusing... but I guess my first question is... do I have the wrong resistor in R8? Was just comparing to the PCB photo in the troubleshooting guide...
Schematic shows 1k. Color codes match. Brown, Black, Black, Brown, Brown. It's just a different brand resistor.

When you say your measurements are "confusing", what do you mean? If you mean that the values you measure when the resistors are in-place / mounted to the PCBs; then you will not get a measurement that matches the values of the resistors in many cases b/c there are other parts in parallel with the resistors you are measuring. If you want to verify that all parts are stuffed in the correct locations, it's usually easiest to use the markings as your reference, IMO.
That one you replied about was the only one I was unsure of really. When I say confusing, I'm just getting wildly different values than what is listed on the troubleshooting page. For both the resistance and the voltages. All the resistors measured correctly before stuffing/soldering. Assuming that troubleshooting checks were meant to be done after everything stuffed/soldered? Same values on both sides tho. Just can't figure out why no sound.