And what did we buy today?

Cal I fear that my previous response

Not too worry Nez, I think that we have shared enough good will among us that I didn't even notice a lack of gratitude.

No, I don't expect to visit your place to inspect the installation. That was a little leg pulling. ;)

I do want to see drawings and pics though. Make sure you take before and after shots. I will PM you my work addy and then keep the photos on file and do a comparison between them.

As far as generosity goes, I think of it like this. It's easier to help than not to. If that makes sense to you, then I think I already know why we get along.

Cheers and have a great Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. That goes for the rest of you too.
That was the only record of my father's that I actually listened to.

A few years ago I found an unscratched "gold edition" CD in a Goodwill store for $1. It does sound nice on a good system.

Back when LP's were disappearing and record companies were pushing out their catalogues on CD, I was working in a stereo shop and we would bring in CD's because record stores weren't yet sure what they were doing. I was so excited when we got in a copy of "Time Out" on CD! Then I played it, and it was one of the worst recordings I have ever heard. I was mystified because the original album was very well recorded. As I listened to the CD it became clear that something terrible happened during the transfer from master tapes to digital (no doubt an automated process). It sounded like there was a big hunk of cr&p on the playback head, which caused extreme distortion, frequency response aberrations, and some weird phase-y stuff. Eugen Wright's bass was distorted beyond belief. Joe Morello's drums sounded like he was playing several yards in front of a very reflective surface, so there was a kind of distorted slap-echo instead of a bit of reverb. The heavy-handed Brubeck piano (he always had heavy hands) was distorted.
We inspected the CD for any sort of physical damage, and played it on multiple systems and it was unlistenable.

A few years later I picked up a later re-issue CD and it was fine, but that first CD out the door was terrible (and obviously nobody listened to it before shipping it). Still a favourite album. My drum teacher introduced me to it, I didn't know you could do those things with time signatures!
Sowter Iron - arrived today!

You know if your output transformers are large enough if they make your chassis look too small!


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I pumped up the old bike tires to 100-120 PSI...
That happened to me once when a rim tape failed. Makes an impressive sound.
Bicycle tire thinking is evolving rapidly, a fascinating ground-up rewrite discarding old assumptions about tire pressure and size in real world use. It has an odd parallel with audio.
Rene Herse is a higher end manufacturer but the principles are universal:

Tire Pressure Take-Home – Rene Herse Cycles
Tire Test Results – Rene Herse Cycles

Bigger, supple tires and tubes at lower pressures can provide more speed and more comfort. AKA more fun and less boom. In my experience far fewer flats too.
>Then I played it, and it was one of the worst recordings I have ever heard.

20+ years ago I recall discovering - when playing around with phono cart cap loading while comparing a vinyl edition to the CD - someone mastered a CD with the wrong cartridge loading.

They were probably told - "Make it sound like the record - Here! And hurry up too; we've got to get this *** rolled out!". So they did.

These days I count on the digital being done correctly. To that end, I bought a JLSounds I2SoverUSB v.III. I hope DHL doesnt break it, going across the Atlantic and then across the continent.
As the SofaBaton was a bust, I ordered an All-For-One 8 way to see if it works. Cheap. Mad at Logitech for dumping Harmony. Maybe someone will buy it as they bought it originally. Waiting till Nov 1 when the Sony TVs go on sale for an A80j.

AVWERK, seems darn near all "durable goods" are not. We used to expect appliances ot last 30 years. Now lucky for five.
Bigger, supple tires and tubes at lower pressures can provide more speed and more comfort. AKA more fun and less boom. In my experience far fewer flats too.

Agree, the cheapest and simplest thing to make your bike more comfortable is air in the tires. A bigger tire with more air volume at lower pressure is more reliable and more comfortable. Check out, they figured this out a while ago. Their biggest problem was getting high quality brakes that had the reach and width to fit over big tires (seems the owner never really got into disc brakes. I for one am tired of treating rims as consumables.).
I bought a new fridge yesterday. Took it back today. The fridge magnets wouldn't stick to it.

Our fridge is stainless steel and magnets won't stick to it either.

Suppose it is 18/10 or 18/9 which is austenitic stainless steel and therefore non-magnetic.

Today I bought an Audient Evo4 recording interface for my computer.
Will arrive tomorrow I hope.
That happened to me once when a rim tape failed. Makes an impressive sound.
Bicycle tire thinking is evolving rapidly, a fascinating ground-up rewrite discarding old assumptions about tire pressure and size in real world use. It has an odd parallel with audio.
Rene Herse is a higher end manufacturer but the principles are universal:

Tire Pressure Take-Home – Rene Herse Cycles
Tire Test Results – Rene Herse Cycles

Bigger, supple tires and tubes at lower pressures can provide more speed and more comfort. AKA more fun and less boom. In my experience far fewer flats too.

My 2019 30" Giant hybrid came with serious road tires, thin, Exact size not available. Recommended inflation maximum was ??? psi. They were great for speed, there sole purpose to go fast, not so good for wrists and past injuries during long distance rides. Which I do a lot of.

I had to increase the rubber to Specialized Infinity 700 x 38. It recommends 75 -100 psi of air pressure. I take it as far as 42 psi and that already makes the tires rock hard. 75 would have me on guard pressuring them up past 45 psi and beyond :eek:

At any rate they are a bit more forgiving, still fast, handle well, with higher comfort level. Especially with the aftermarket Davinci seat add on. Go with a center cut out seat. Its much easier on the butt and the boys. I highly recommend them.
I used to run 120 PSI in 20x1.75 BMX wheels. The tires were the Fit "FAF" (guess what it stands for?)
There was nearly zero rolling resistance.

Now I'm running 80 PSI in 24x1.50 because I can't find a proper BMX tire in 24 inch, just race tires. They are only rated to 65 PSI but I like to live on the edge.
I find a 700C38 is nice around 85psi, low rolling resistance but decent comfort. My Schwalbe winter tires are interesting, you can pump them up to 85psi and run on the middle part of the tread, which has no studs, or deflate them in deeper snow or ice, say 45psi, and the studs start to bite because they are a bit off the center of the tread. The more the tire flattens out, the more the studs come into play. On ice the studs are invaluable.
The fixed gear wearing 700x28 Continentals ran 45 front, 55 rear on the last outing which included a few hill climbs as well as some off road and grass riding at pace. Today's bike was 60 front, 70 rear on 700x26 Rene Herse tires. These days for me high pressure is anything approaching 80.
Miele tests their appliances to the equivalent of 20 years of domestic use.

My wife used to work in a home for women and children threatened by domestic violence and the the 4 Miele washing machines (standard domestic models) were in use practically 24/7.
None broke down during the 8 years she worked there.
Not cheap though.

Our fridge, a Liebherr, was at least ten years old when we bought it s/h in 2012. Still works fine.
You could asked, and I would have no problems answering. I did cast a concrete speaker this Monday, but as I couldn't find the second mold I went for ONE "box" - a cylindrical piece making up the box and a (red colored) disc making up the front.

Then I got the idea that when casting (today) the 2nd speaker use green for front and could differ between right and left channel:
Green - starboard speaker
Red - Port side speaker

The schrimps - raw frozen tiger schrimps: Schrimp Dianne according to Prejean's cookbook.

I will share photos of the speakers later.
Does going on a vacation count as buying something? I spent $$$ on it.

The screened in porch was great for keeping bugs out, but hell on pictures.

My favorite shrimp dish is gambas al ajillo.

a couple tablespoons of olive oil in a cast iron pot, with several crushed/diced garlic cloves and a pinch of cayenne. when thee garlic is brown and the oil just starts to smoke, cump in ghe peeled shrimp and stir for a couple minutes.

Serve with baguette diced to soak up the oil and garlic, and a glass of wine.


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