AndrewT R.I.P.

Gosh! That is sad... i'm not one of the most prolific posters or users of DIYAudio but his contributions to the Bruno Putzey preamp thread will be greatly missed. Always helpful, always trying to understand either your problem or the workings of something new. Always generous with his time and knowledge.
You will be greatly missed Andrew T. your posts will live on as one of the greatest driving forces in the audio community.Sadly much to my disappointment we shall never meet in person. My condolences to all who new the very well respected and inspiring and as we like to call him simply Andrew T... You left world is a better place for being in it.
Joined 2011
Paid Member
I haven't been here in a little while, and while I was perusing posts tonight I noticed RIP on Andrew's profile. Seeing that was a shock to my heart. He was so helpful to me and so many others. I shall miss Andrew's presence here.

May you Rest In Peace, Andrew.