Any Interest on Connex Power supplies through a USA Distributor?

I am considering becoming a USA distributor of Connex power supplies. they seem to be the best I have found online. I would be making a bulk purchase of supplies and stocking them here in the USA. I would be handling Warranty etc. I am curious how much interest there would be and what models, voltages etc.



Joined 2003
Paid Member
Interesting that these are still competitive - they are quite "old" now. I own quite a few of their models - 300 and 800 and also lately a 320 small one. Quality is good - very nice builds all of them. So I would probably have been a customer :)

Someone at left a comment on the 800 that it didn't contain the same make capacitor as in the product pictures...

The 320RxE lack a manual - they refer to the 500... a bit fishy... and when asked I was told that it is the Chinese holiday so I should not expect any help in a couple of weeks but I was lucky as someone was at hand... so better check up on proper documentation so you don't get overwhelmed by tech support - you will be engegaged in individual designs of what not :) What is there is very good but some models lack compleatly.


Apparently this was on the homepage I was told in my try for a email conversation... :)
