Are you ACTIVE ?? (multi-way)

Joined 2009
Paid Member
Hi ErnieM,
Thank you for this info.
Yes i've seen a thread where a member here use the 10" and is very happy with it.

My concerns are more with the direct radiator rather than the CD: it drop like a bomb past 1khz to regain level up to breakup at 2k vicinity. Not sure how to deal with this ( and i'm suspicious of carbon in membrane: can sound very good but breakup can be very strong and not pleasingly audible from some drivers i've heard using only carbon fiber for membrane ( some small Davis acoustic)). 362 have a better behavior regarding this ( at least on graph). Don't know if it make an audible difference though as i've not heard them.
Anyway i won't spend 500euros on a driver i haven't listened to ( distributor change seems to have price going up almost 1,5x the price i've seen at introduction!).

I've read somewhere Bms is going to make different version based around this one so maybe cheaper ones will appear in a few month...
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Yes three way minimum for coax i came to same conclusion too.

Have you heard the latest Bms coax? I'm interested in 12c382 but no one own one around me and Bms changed distributor and it seems they are difficult to find in France atm. I would appreciate some review about it: i liked the 362 but the newer should be able to withstand 1khz xover which is nice to me.

The Taipuu speakers from Kimmo Saunisto (see attachments) are actually the only commercial hi-fi speakers with BMS coaxial drivers I know of.
Various PA monitor speakers are equipped with BMS coaxial woofers (Coda and others).

I'm sure Kimmo is among the first to have tested the 12C382.

The Taipuus are completely Active/DSP/Dante enabled btw.

Your idea is close to what Docali implemented if i don't mix up pictures you posted.

Docali uses Wolf von Langa OBs with some upgrades, including the mid/high horn. This is an older setup:


I'm really interested in the BD-designs, because - like the designer, I'm sceptical of the usual OB/dipole/ripole and similar concepts.
Once you increase Sd and include the 'wings', the system begins to 'control' the room - still dependent on the shape of the room though.

The latest iteration of this concept - with 6x12" slot/horn loaded OB, is supposed to be even better than the first.
Comments like "the €150.000 Magicos sound like typical, uninspiring multi-way boxes, whereas the BD's render (lifelike) music" are illustrative.


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Yes industrial design gets expensive fast. SWMBO has only one rule for audio electronics. If it's visible it must be black so that limited my choices. The kids limit disposable income so my choices become very limited :D
It was actually optioned in black ;) Or else it was dead easy to screw off the front panel and paint it whatever color you love :DAlso - you do know that your own children are sweeter, prettier and better than others - right :D
Joined 2009
Paid Member
I think there was a misunderstanding in Ro808 answer to me, he talked about a coaxial with direct radiator driver not about a coaxial CD (hence Taipuu pictures).
Bms offer is confusing about that.

Ro808, you had already posted the picture of BD system. Could you elaborate on how it dominate the room?
I see how a 'pseudo' line source of 6x12" could behave as a kind of distributed sub driver ( and how the horn nested into horn could give almost pristine directivity control and close to point source behavior) but i can't figure why it would be superior to other potential solution?

Is RXV 6-channel amp's clean? mine RXV-800 says "small / large speakers" and some other fishy things on the surrounds del and more.
Do you get the same quality with the amps as with the pre amps?

No problems, setting to 8 channel in multi channel input, all speakers as large, clean sound, I tried the Najda as preamp, could not put volume up enough, with the Yamaha no problems,
cheers, Tom.
tojoko, I meant the opposite
legend has it, that you get better sound for the front speakers if you get a separate amp if you running surround amplifiers (8 ch is alot for one unit). My (little smaller) RXV 800 sounds very boring/flat in stereo, but that is with passive x-over. Its a hard test to do, lift in 3 separate amps fast, and compair.


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I am using an old, but modded Kenwood M2 ( full rebuild, thanks to Dan Mattis, DRM Audio)as amp for the bass channels (front out from Yamaha), the other 4 channels, mid and high are done by the Yamaha amps, tried all (6) channels too, worked fine, just had the Kenwood around, so used that...Najda is DSP Crossover, going to 3 AKM dacs, that are connected to the Yamaha RX-V3800.
Cheers, Tom.