Audio Precision System Sys1 USB Interface

rough reply vs the many threads related to the thsi subject :
AudioPrecision devices are for the guys like Amir from ASR that are lazy and want "result", without thinking about "what's below?"
The kind of of guy that does't want to have his brain "pushed too far", or even nicer pushed to "non-sense" vs physics... blabla bla...

The best answer to this kind of threads => go deeper !
buy the awesome LiteVNA and TinySA for 1/100 price of any AudioPrecision stuff
then, thru measurements using LiteVNA & TinySA => you end to some info & conclusions.
If this infos from TinySA & LiteVNA don't rig a bell to you =>
1. you realize this game is to big for you, no brainer => you'll learn very nice stuff ahaed, and gonna be ccol
2. you're stuck to AudioP devices => you're ****** / fooled
why this ? => AudioP devices/ measurements, are like sniffing the exhauts pipe of a jet or piston engine and "guess" what right/wrong INSIDE the engine without knowing anything about this inside of the engine. Weird isn't it ? :)

all the best for the ones that looks deeper
and good luck for the another ones :)
Joined 2004
Paid Member
I have both a TinySA and a NanoVNA. They are nice but they have limitations, especially for audio.
I think the important part is not the instrument, but the training of the operator. If you get an Xray you probably won't know what to make of the image. A Radiologist with years of training and experience can see things you won't. Its the same for these instruments. An AP, or a R&S or Shibasoku or a QuantAsylum are tools, not ends unto themselves. They can show you a lot if you know what to look for. Good numbers tell you the device is working. Bad numbers can show what needs to be addressed if anything if you know how to interpret them. Your audio playback system is the same. its your use of it that matters.
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After years of messing around with most every audio measurement device imaginable, I purchased the apx555 as a retirement gift and haven't looked back!
Did keep a loaded System 1, HP8903A, aa501A, and a couple of SG505s. Playing audio for 55+ years gives some perspective.


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@Audio1Man/Duke, does your interface run with ATS-2 V. 1.60 on W10?

Here're my summaries after trying ATS-2 and some versions of S2, with different APIB adapters:

1. AP PCI/PCMCIA adapters work with all S1/S2/2700/ATS2 but is limited to Windows 7.
2. AP authentic USB adapter runs with new Windows, but does not support S1 and 2222/2322. It will work with S2C, S2C+ and 2700.
3. S1USB adapter likely works with all S1, S2, ATS and run on new Windows, but is limited with control softwares (dont support newer versions).

1. The S1USB is best suited to SYS-1 and SYS-2322/2222 as those don't accept the authentic AP USB adapter (hence at best can only run with PCI/PCMCIA adapters on W7 as per official info from AP).
2. ATS-2, S2C, S2C+ and 2700 can run with all adapters, but are best suited with authentic AP (support new Windows and latest AP ATS2/APWIN/AP2700 softwares).
I can't seem to recall having any problem running ATS 1.6 with PCMCIA card. It was actually my first set of AP equipments until I parted with the ATS2 two years ago.
Running the ATS2 & AP USB adapter on Win10/11 is a bit trickier but can do by installing the USB driver separately.
I still keep the PCMCIA card, it works fine in a Win7 PC with latest software to control my 2722.
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A few more details on the PCMCIA interface- The first gen- PCMCIA is essentially and ISA buss extension. Cardbuss is a PCI extension. (Expresscard is PCIe but physically incompatible and a dead end for our purposes). One deal killer is that in some hardware the ISA addresses are not available on the Cardbuss interface preventing communications to the card. The interrupts also don't communicate the same but APIB doesn't use interrupts it seems. In others they are. Specifically in my experience for example Dell E5400 uses the older version PCMCIA and the E5610 uses the newer version and the APIB card does not work. They are visually identical. However a Dell Optiplex with a TI or Ricoh Cardbuss adapter works even in win 10 (32bit). However same drive and card in an Asus simply will not work Win 10 or XP. Clearly the USB solutions have their benefits. I'm not sure how important running the software in a 32 bit system is. The drivers require 32 bits. Its all quite a challenge. I understand why AP moved on. This stuff is quite old but it does still work.