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AudioSector-chip amp kits, dacs, chassis

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Peter Daniel said:
As long as there is a demand, those boards will be available. If you don't make a mistake while populating components, the A30 board will function properly. As an alternative, for your next project, you may choose NOS DAC ;)

I have been through both the LM3875 and NOS DAC projects. Peter has been very kind and helpful. Without his assistance, the prosjects have been a lot more painful and frustrating to carry out; if I have made it at all ;-)

Regarding the NOS DAC, its is very satisfying sonically. It has been running in for a week now. And now it really sings! I'm most impressed with how it reveal differences between how cd's are produced. Some cd's are very compressed, others are made with to much sibiliance and high frequensis. Other cd's, that have been almost unlistenable throug my earlier cd player, come to life for the first time. The artistic expression is suddenly shining through. One example: Emmelou Harris "Wrecking ball" have been more in the rack than in the cd player. For the first time, I could appreciate both Emmelou's marvelous singing and artistice expression. Daniel Lanois' production was incomprehensible to me before. Now I can appreciate the rather gloomy and pessimistic athosphere of the production. In other words, this DAC transfer music the way it was intended to sound, no more - no less. It is great:yes:

And in relation to money spent: this kit is not a bargain; it is a steal :D

Now I am just waiting for the buffer ;-)

Jan Ove

tangen said:

And in relation to money spent: this kit is not a bargain; it is a steal :D

Yes it is. I build the DAC in april. The difference was huge compared to my sony QS player. I use it with my DVD player and computer also. The sound is just stunning. I really recommend this one. Just do not look to the signals on a scope. 44kHz is not that much... :)

I use it with a valve (amperex 6dj8) buffered LM3875 at the moment.

The A30 on the pic is jobless, as well as the GC next to the DAC.
I have no top on the DAC anymore, I had some metal perforated plate, but it hummed with the trafo...


  • dac_vb3875.jpg
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Peter, I know this is not be the place for this question but I know you check the posts here often. Sorry.

Damn, I just broke an M4 tap while hand tapping my enclosure. Any solutions to removing it without having to get hold of Walton's tap extractors? These tools are not available here.

Any suggestions will be most helpful. Thanks and apologies for posting this here.
Here is the place for any discussion, I don't mind going off topic. There are supposedly some liquids that can dissolve broken tap, but I'm not familiar with them. It's always upsetting when tap breaks, and I usually just drill another hole.

Some discussion on tap removing tecnniques was done here: http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?postid=361172#post361172

Besides, the linked thread is a source of many other great tips. Whenever I tap these days, it's always with a cordless drill, equipped with a clutch.
Thanks Peter. I am going to let it rest for the time being. It's 6.00am here and I stayed up all night trying to rescue the situation. I am going to bed and hope to catch a few hours of peaceful sleep and forget the whole thing. Will look at it when I get up.

The hardest thing in building the amp is the enclosure, as I am finding out now, especially if you have limited tools to work with. :bawling:
safetyman said:

The hardest thing in building the amp is the enclosure, as I am finding out now, especially if you have limited tools to work with. :bawling:

Ain't that the truth. I just finished a pair of lm3875 monoblocks and I'm not sure there could be a more ghetto enclosure.
Due to my own stupidity, I bought the wrong size hammond 1441 cases and had to find another way to house the transformer. I ended up bolting the aluminum bottom of a radioshack ABS project box to the top of the hammond case and routed the wires from the transformer down into the amp housing. I guess there is an advantage in that layout as far as shielding the amp board is concerned, but it looks a lot more home made than I was going for.

At least I can say that they sound awesome, but the gain is too low for a unity gain preamp, so I'll have to swap out the feedback resistors once I get the parts together for that project.

Thanks to everybody on this forum for the information and help you've provided you've got yet another successful amp builder.
cotdt said:
the enclosure often costs more than the rest of hte amp!

Yes, agree totally. That's why the Patek takes my breath away each time. B4 anybody attempts a real nice enclosure, they will never imagine the nightmares that starts to follow. Of course, I believe this applies to the beginners like me.

Thanks Peter, I'll be thinking of the NOS DAC. I am going to finish up my projects one at a time. Finally, I hope to own a system that is completely DIYed. My ultimate dream. :)
TBM said:
How is your USB version of the DAC going?
Any news and listening impressions compared to SPDIF?

I don't know why, but USB DAC never seemed to have major priority in my plans. I will try it whenever opportunity arises, but presently I'm concentrating on an active preamp project.

Anyway, I have more than 2,000 CDs. I don't feel like ripping them to the hard drive ;)
Peter Daniel said:

I don't know why, but USB DAC never seemed to have major priority in my plans. I will try it whenever opportunity arises, but presently I'm concentrating on an active preamp project.

Anyway, I have more than 2,000 CDs. I don't feel like ripping them to the hard drive ;)

No need to rip all of them... However I HIGHLY suggest doing ones you listen too. The bennifits are are more than worth it. The poor CDs you have may all of a sudden be worth listening too.

http://www.audiocircle.com I invite you Peter to have a look. Squeeze Box, SB, Slimware, and Foobar2000 have taken over.

Free yourself of Jitter and incorret CD reads. No jitter and the ability to have as near perfect read of a CD as you can ever get, is a beautiful thing. This voids the need for a good CD player, only SACD and DVD-A are left. With SACD and DVD-A the quality is usually much higher quality and you can get away with a cheaper effecient transport as opposed to CD's poor quality which is not always very readiable. Well you still need an external DAC but none the less.

Sorry about the rant, but you should really check out this swiffering craze.
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