baby University Classic folded midbass horn ?

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the baby S9 won't go as low as La Scala/Belle - we erally don't know how the baby UC will do til I get and test it

"is there a coax compression driver on that big oval horn? (what is that horn?)"


" - I assume a DIY Belle could put the vents on the front (if a woofer with small chamber requirement and higher tuning were used) "

Yes, you could use a riser base with a stock Belle, the 7.5" ports seem to work the best.

Photobucket now really sucks, IMGUR is sucking too.
super cluttered room with a 15" klam right above the Baby Classic - 1/6 octave - maybe a half ohm or more worth of wire from amp to speaker (different rooms) - only a few drywall screws holding the back chamber door (I'm having some trouble with square drive bits slipping)

"Triticum Audio" built this for me. It would be interesting to have a full size - or nearly full size Classic.

- -can the throat section be simplified without response penalty ?

there are triangular foam pieces on either side of the 10" Eminence, rdugin back chamber volume to around 1/2 cubic foot before driver displacement. I might be able to tune it better.


I'll run some test tones - you reminded me that I have a Unity layiing around -would have to bi-amp due to different sensitivities - could do that without xover since the Unity has its own passive oxver and so would the baby Classic - but I'm bent on making BC go up to a treble horn for now.
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