BC412 Subwoofer

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Couldn't that be a factor of room pressurization?
Geddes and John K have some threads on here, talking about how a loudspeaker pressurizes a room. And any monopole will pressurize a room differently than a dipole. (IE, a FLH is going to pressurize a room differently than a TH)

I go to a lot of EDM events, going back about 20 years, and the thing that's caught my attention is how a handful of events are bringing just *startling* amounts of speakers and power to shows. At this point, it's only about ten percent of the events that are turning bass into an arms race, but it seems like a DJ with a sub that could suck the air right out of your lungs would be a big draw on the EDM circuit.

I wish this was more common - at this point I can only count three or four events where this was happening. But clearly, it's now possible, especially with the combination of very high excursion neodymium prosound subs, and very very efficient amplifiers.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Looks like Danley is getting some traction in the EDM market; here's a set of Jericho horns at an Armin Van Buuren event in Miami this week.
The BC412 is a great cabinet but the BC415 is way more efficient. And they are using it at the Miami event. The big system is 2 J1 Jericho horns and 6 BC415's. Here is a picture of that. They used a Danley 12K amp on each one. They limited it to half power because it was so uncomfortable it would make you physically ill.


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The BC412 is a great cabinet but the BC415 is way more efficient. And they are using it at the Miami event. The big system is 2 J1 Jericho horns and 6 BC415's. Here is a picture of that. They used a Danley 12K amp on each one. They limited it to half power because it was so uncomfortable it would make you physically ill.

Ugh I want to hear this badly.
That's, what, twenty four fifteen inch woofers in a front loaded horn array? Or is the BC415 a dual fifteen box?
The subs were so loud at this event, they had to turn them down quite a bit after the show started. There was light fixtures and dust and crap falling out of the ceiling. For most of the set up, they only used one sub. The other one (the one that the colored lights didn't work) was a higher ohm cab they brought by mistake. They had the correct one delivered and set up by show time. But really, they didn't need the second one. It hits harder and louder than the TH812.
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