Behringer 1400W Class D for B1800D Repair help!!

Sorry for reviving an old thread, but the problems with this amp don't seem to be fully solved yet.

I'm still struggling with my amplifier and now I am out of ideas! :(

I did find a few broken components (IC3, T1, T4, D2 and D7) in the initial fault finding process. I replaced them and powered up the amp only to hear the MOSFET (T1 and T4) pop again! :mad:

Were you ever able to fix your amp? I am experiencing a similar issue: I had the cycling/clicking issue and started out with replacing the bootstrap caps as suggested in this thread. After turning the board on, the power LED came on for a few seconds and then the board was dead.

I found out that the output FETs are shorted on one side, so I'm going to replace the IRS20957S as well as the output FETs. I'm also considering replacing IC6 (7WH04), although I did not measure it.

I found out that the output FETs are shorted on one side, so I'm going to replace the IRS20957S as well as the output FETs. I'm also considering replacing IC6 (7WH04), although I did not measure it.

Finally, I measured IC6 and - surprise - it was outputting only DC. So I replaced IC6, the FETs and the IRS20957S and the amplifier now works again (apart from a burnt muting transistor, T16, where I haven't received the spare part yet)!