Beyond the Ariel

Some have noted the AH340 is on the large side, but not with the bass cabinet 26"/660mm wide. And the AH340/DCM-50 combination offers the potential of a much lower crossover, which is highly desirable.
The DCM50 sounds like a nice alternative. I noticed B&C lists the Voice Coil Diameter as 2", is that right? It looks like the diaphragm would be much larger.

edit: I answered my own question. The diaphragm isn't a dome like many smaller format compression drivers. Instead it looks like a small cone:
Guys, anyone has one or two Vifa drivers for sale, might be used of course? I have a damaged driver that I need to replace, otherwise my Ariels are gone... thanks a lot for any help.
I have this one, unused.


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I have been a long time lurker on DIY Audio, and seeing new activity on this thread which inspired me greatly to build my current speakers, I thought I had better “give back”.

My current speakers were built in 2018 (30mm B/BB birch ply heavily braced and damped 230 litre cabs with Faital 15PR400 and HF146 HF drivers) which originally had JMLC425 horns. It is similar to one that was discussed on this thread some time ago with the GPA/Altec and Radian drivers, but with European drivers that are more easily obtainable in the UK.

They were a revelation to my ears, and I found them preferable to the Tannoy Windsors they replaced, my previous Lowther based speakers and “conventional” 6.5” cone/fabric dome hi-fi floorstanders.

After living with them for a while I decided that the JMLC horns were just too forward for extended listening sessions. After further research, I decided to replace them with the rounded edge freestanding OSSE waveguides ("Acoustic Horn Design – The Easy Way (Ath4)" thread) that were 3D printed in sections instead of making a wooden mould on a metalworking lathe and laying them up in fibreglass.

This improved things greatly with the HF, reducing colouration and less forward in presentation. Unexpected was the simplification of the HF side of the passive crossover, removing the need for a notch filter on the HF146.

A big thank you to the members of this forum for making available such an amazing resource of knowledge. I would have probably not been able to do it otherwise.


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Sounds great to me, I’m not running a theater, I’m sitting in front of my system listening to music 😉 “Beaming” could also be called
“focused”, which means high efficiency and less room interaction. It’s not a negative, just an option. I think wheels have been in use for many millennia and we still seem to think a rolling circle is hard to beat.
Bryan, how are these holding up? Are you still tweaking them?
I'm deep in tweakville, after setting up the system about a week ago, and then running a bunch of measurements last weekend to see how it looked compared to what I was hearing. Still a bit of tuning to do, but I'm happy to hear things starting to settle in after 20 hours or so of playing. There were a few anomalies in the measurements that are beyond the reach of the active crossover, but the last step will be adding a custom FIR filter with Focus Fidelity that my buddy CAM is really good at so I'll send him the measurements Saturday then plug it into ROON. Last time he made one for me it was night and day. My room is not the greatest and these are pretty big, actually just TOO big for the room, but the plan is to move everything into the adjacent room this summer which is more than twice the volume and a dream space for setting up a system.
This system is very different now from what I've had in place the last couple years. I'm now biamping with an active Sublime K231 crossover, with tubes on the horns and a beautiful class D Cameron surprised me with, one of the coolest things anyone has ever done for me! And it sounds so so good on the Faitals, which are wonderful drivers.
I'm enjoying what this setup is doing, but it's got it's strengths and weaknesses. The sheer size of things presents in a more realistic way, and being so efficient I don't have to listen very loudly to "wake things up". It's a nice large sound, people sized, and nothing is being pushed, which I guess is part of the natural presentation. But I've been surprised at how the Rosso CD/Azura horn combo images so differently from the RAAL 70/20s on my standmounts. The imaging is there, and there's a solid center image etc, but it's more diffuse, not as cleanly delineated, not as 'hifi'. I admit I love that stuff but this does sound more realistic so I guess that's one of the major tradeoffs. Also the soundstage is not as deep as before, maybe more like a shallow cloud. Not flat, just not quite as 3D as the standmounts. I'm definitely a convert to biamping and active crossover now, and doubt I would ever buy another capacitor to put inside a speaker. But I think actives definitely require well behaved drivers, and these are fortunately pretty well behaved, though I've seen better for sure. Thank God for FIR filters.
I had to make 5 new sets of ICs, 4 balanced and 1 SE, they're all Duelund silver "foil" in cotton with Neotech solid copper helix coils and AECO XLRs and 1/4" TRS plugs (for the Sublime). They were a pain in the *** and I'm done with Helix construction, although they really sound good!

Here's a photo of the wall of chaos (must be a mile of cables behind, violating all proper cable hygiene laws:

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But I've been surprised at how the Rosso CD/Azura horn combo images so differently from the RAAL 70/20s on my standmounts.
This is the most expected difference between these two sources assuming you've corrected for tonal balance between the two. The ribbon is pretty narrow, so it will have a wider horizontal pattern. This will give more lateral reflections which will tend to increase the width of the sound stage and move center vocalists back behind the speakers in my experience at the expense of specificity of individual sound localization. The horn is a large source with a narrower pattern which will have the opposite effect. The perceived difference between the two will depend on their exact characteristics as well as your room.
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A well executed two-way speaker is a thing of beauty and can bring a lot of listening pleasure into the home.

My 'speakers are 94dB/m/W efficient, and on dynamically recorded (and minimally compressed) music, I typically end up with peaks at ~50W on the Woofer amp (I bi-amp now). So ~25-27W with 97dB/m/W should be fine - provided you don't expect fully realistic concert levels. That's with classical and some jazz music; with more compressed recordings like most pop and electronica, the peak-to-rms ratio is much more squished, so the same power will allow much higher average SPLs.

What I'm far less convinced by is how any amp with such a high Zout (DF = 4 for a nominal 8-ohm load) can provide real high fidelity. The resulting frequency response will NOT be flat when operated into any real-world load (which is never anything like a constant 8-ohm resistor, even if you bi-amp and/or employ conjugate Z compensation networks). Also, the amp won't be able to shunt out effectively the back-EMF generated by the woofer cone.

I appreciate the attraction of Class A operation, I really do. But, IMHO there are objectively, measurably better options on the table.
For instance, I use an Accuphase A-45, which delivers 45W (*) of pure class A output into 8 ohms, via a push-pull array of MOS-FETs, with only moderate global feedback and a very low (<0.1 ohm) Zout.

(* this is now overkill, since I started bi-amping and only use it for the horn, but previously I was using it to mono-amplify the speakers via a passive crossover)
I've very limited knowledge to further argue the point, but Troy Crowe seems to make a good case more than once for three-way systems; such as this one from 17:05 to end.

Also, using the ES600 horn (which won't work with my woofers), Troy compares the performance of these 18Sound and SBAudience titanium drivers + the top model Fostex Alnico tweeter (and elsewhere with that or similar Fostex tweeter + his HF lens) from 9:15 to end.

Like Marco, I enjoy lots of vintage 1960s pop and soundtrack recordings, which, to make them playable on cheap and even the SOTA turntable systems of the day, were so often brutally compressed. Thus, a major part of my dilemma in choosing driver/horn combinations is determining as best I can which configuration to go with:

1.) DCM50 driver/ES450 or ES290 horn + Fostex tweeter. Would that system's smooth warm sound and somewhat reduced dynamic range, as described in Troy's listening tests above, make it least likely to accentuate the worst aspects of my compressed and sometimes "congested" sounding recordings?

But how much, if any, would I be sacrificing reproduction of some of my best originally mastered recordings compared to alternative systems?

2.) SBAudience CDN 65T driver/ES450 or ES290 + Fostex tweeter. This alternative to the above DCM50 system for my troubled recordings now that, like Troy, I am the happy owner of the Don Sachs preamp? line stage.html

3.) Yamaha JA6681B/ES45 or ES290 or Athos TH4001 horn + Fostex tweeter + DS2 preamp

4.) Radian 745neoBe/ TH4001 horn + DS2 preamp

Note that all my music sources are uncompressed rips of CD tracks, reasonably good sounding youtube downloads and high res downloads like these
I know for a fact that there are speaker designers who shy away from 3-way systems and stay with 2-way systems. That is not meant as a sleight as several of them are friends of mine. I know that some may disagree, but high-pass filters are more tricky than low-pass and a 3-way introduces another one. But there is no doubt that they can have advantages, one is that the midrange driver, if you can suppress any amplitude at at the resonance, then the voice coil will always be in the most favourable position, the centre. I would definitely use an LC null tuned to the critical Fc and make sure the crossover is several octaves above that; driver selection etc, open or maybe aperiodic enclosure for the midrange and so on, there are a number of techniques involved. Yes, a 3-way is a challenge but can also be a satisfying thing to do successful. But straight LR4 crossovers are not the way to go (and cheating too), not if you want to go for the best sound. Going LR4 can give you a smooth and largely boring result and a kind of fine grain that kills colour.

Please note, above is just my opinion and thoughts.
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No comparison IME, the 2245 is an 18" woofer whereas the 416 is a 15" [mid bass] woofer, i.e. the 2245's 'best' BW is shifted lower, so while it plays up into the mid bass/lower mids, it lacks sufficient high SQ HF response, especially off axis, for a proper XO BW overlap above ~350 Hz and only 250 Hz IME and I know of others that didn't like it even at 120 Hz when mated to an Altec A7/416 even though 800 Hz was the recommended limit.

Please excuse the intrusion, but Cal Weldon said you're the one for advice for what I'm trying to achieve with my build using the 416-8B midwoofer at
Post # 266. :)
I've very limited knowledge to further argue the point, but Troy Crowe seems to make a good case more than once for three-way systems; such as this one from 17:05 to end.

Also, using the ES600 horn (which won't work with my woofers), Troy compares the performance of these 18Sound and SBAudience titanium drivers + the top model Fostex Alnico tweeter (and elsewhere with that or similar Fostex tweeter + his HF lens) from 9:15 to end.

Like Marco, I enjoy lots of vintage 1960s pop and soundtrack recordings, which, to make them playable on cheap and even the SOTA turntable systems of the day, were so often brutally compressed. Thus, a major part of my dilemma in choosing driver/horn combinations is determining as best I can which configuration to go with:

1.) DCM50 driver/ES450 or ES290 horn + Fostex tweeter. Would that system's smooth warm sound and somewhat reduced dynamic range, as described in Troy's listening tests above, make it least likely to accentuate the worst aspects of my compressed and sometimes "congested" sounding recordings?

But how much, if any, would I be sacrificing reproduction of some of my best originally mastered recordings compared to alternative systems?

2.) SBAudience CDN 65T driver/ES450 or ES290 + Fostex tweeter. This alternative to the above DCM50 system for my troubled recordings now that, like Troy, I am the happy owner of the Don Sachs preamp? line stage.html

3.) Yamaha JA6681B/ES45 or ES290 or Athos TH4001 horn + Fostex tweeter + DS2 preamp

4.) Radian 745neoBe/ TH4001 horn + DS2 preamp

Note that all my music sources are uncompressed rips of CD tracks, reasonably good sounding youtube downloads and high res downloads like these
I can give a +1 to the CDN 65Ts, they're superb. I've got mine mounted in Azura horns and crossed at 600Hz, using Troy's expanded rear covers. I'm using active crossovers but these drivers integrate really well (responding to the two way vs three way thing). I think that's the key to two ways of course, how well they behave at crossover, and I think active may be beneficial here partly because there aren't any caps or inductors to mess with phase. When I was going back and forth with him several months ago, Troy said something about preferring a dedicated mid in the design he did for Don Sachs' speakers, but that was one build, and an open baffle at that. If I had tweeters rather than compression drivers, I'd certainly need a mid driver but the classic horn/bass bin is pretty hard to beat and presents music in its own beautiful way :) I'm happy to avoid three ways forever although I almost started one again with a pair of Radian 10" coaxials, was going to add a 12 or 15 and have a go, but I just put them up for sale instead of playing Don Quixote. Next build is another horn/bass cab combo for a friend, Altecs all the way!
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