Bluetooth boombox build - does this seem sensible?

Edited: apologies, included entire message in the introduction!! Will post again in the appropriate forum!

Hi all, new member from UK here, long time lurker. Ive built quite a few loudspoeaker cabs over the years... currently building a bluetooth boombox. Im a fairly new Win ISD user and im finding my way, ive built a small downfiring in car subwoofer using two 4ohm TangBand 1138 5.25 inch subs with great success using winISD.
My current project is a bluetooth boombox that uses two discreet 13.4 litre chambers in one unit, each of which contain 2x Dayton TCP115 8ohm drivers, Highs are taken care of with Dayton tweeters in external pods. I think ive got a decent transfer function out of win ISD - this will be a party speaker and is driven by the internals from a Nobsound NS01G (ive hacked it to tap off the line input and to install in the enclosure. all electronics, crossovers etc are installed in a seperate chamber inside the unit. See pics...

Can anyone take a peak at the Win ISD transfer plot im going for and let me know if its ok? Im tuning the enclosures to 55hz. Signal is 35w which is roughly 70pc of the amps capability id say... at this level excursion is just under the Xmax.

Thanks in advance for any help!
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