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BPA300 Round 2

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I have several times, both through DIYAudio and the mail you previously answered to( the one at pressure-drop.org). To make a long story short, I ordered 4 BPA150 boards with SMD presoldered and 2 DRV PCBs to be shipped to Israel. If you need a PayPal verification and/or my address please give me an email address that works. If you already shipped - bless you!


The boards arrived early last week, they arrived fine. I have shipped quite a few allready, including 2 kits which arrived fine.

I have been shipping to people within the EU first, as i dont have any customs forms, im trying to get hold of a roll of them.
For the last two group buys I did with the Leach amp I used Advanced circuits. They do really good work and have quite a few promo deals for small orders or proto boards. You can contact Joel and you will find him very easy to do business with. You also get a huge 500.00 discount as a first time customer.

Advanced Circuits also has there own schematic/pcb layout software and has no size limitations as does the Eagle freeware.

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