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Buffalo DAC (ESS Sabre 9008)

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Buffalo/Metronome Config

I have had terrific success with my Buffalo/BALSIE pairing (whilst awaiting IVY). Sounds just great using SPDIF from my CDPRO2 transport.

Linking in a Metronome ASRC to try I2S into the Buffalo, I have an odd clicking (very like surface scratches on vinyl!) when music is playing. I have fiddled with the "Mode" DIPs on the Metronome and the clicking lessens at 256fs but never completely goes away so I have reverted to the SPDIF output, but would like to know if there is an optimal config of the Metronome that will give me clean audio from the Buffalo.

The Metronome is needed as the basic output (48fs, iirc) from the transport I2S is not directly compatible with the Buffalo (min 64fs?). Tried it and you get one channel and massive distortion.

Any thoughts on Metronome set up to improve this situation would be much appreciated.

Re: Buffalo/Metronome Config

Goto said:
I have had terrific success with my Buffalo/BALSIE pairing (whilst awaiting IVY). Sounds just great using SPDIF from my CDPRO2 transport.

Linking in a Metronome ASRC to try I2S into the Buffalo, I have an odd clicking (very like surface scratches on vinyl!) when music is playing. I have fiddled with the "Mode" DIPs on the Metronome and the clicking lessens at 256fs but never completely goes away so I have reverted to the SPDIF output, but would like to know if there is an optimal config of the Metronome that will give me clean audio from the Buffalo.

The Metronome is needed as the basic output (48fs, iirc) from the transport I2S is not directly compatible with the Buffalo (min 64fs?). Tried it and you get one channel and massive distortion.

Any thoughts on Metronome set up to improve this situation would be much appreciated.



How do you have the metronome setup?

I think it is simply a misconfiguration issue for your application.

There should be really no difference between the I2S input and the SPDIF as long as the SPDIF is clean enough to stay locked.

Metronome Setup

Hi Russ

The DIPs on the Metro are set up as follows:

OWL0 - low
OWL1 - low
OFMT1 - low
OFMT0 - high
Mode0 - low
Mode1 - high
Mode2 - low

IFMT2 - low
IFMT1 - low
IFMT0 - high
bypass - open
lgrp - low

all non-identified dips open

Automute jumper open
Disable open

I experimented with the mode switch settings (Metro was previously employed with dual OPUS cards and set up as above with Mode0 high). The best result was with the above Mode switch setup. From first hitting play I get about 30 seconds clean audio with this setting, before the clicking/staticky sound arrives. Then it is there until the dac is restarted (i power off/on).

With SPDIF I get great results (as you would expect from the Sabre and only 10cm of wire between transport and dac). I just wanted to explore whether there are any gains in using I2S in tis instance. I have had not noticed instances of losing lock with SPDIF.

Thanks, as always, for your help on this.

Re: Metronome Setup

Goto said:
Hi Russ

The DIPs on the Metro are set up as follows:

OWL0 - low
OWL1 - low
OFMT1 - low
OFMT0 - high
Mode0 - low
Mode1 - high
Mode2 - low

IFMT2 - low
IFMT1 - low
IFMT0 - high
bypass - open
lgrp - low

all non-identified dips open

Automute jumper open
Disable open

I experimented with the mode switch settings (Metro was previously employed with dual OPUS cards and set up as above with Mode0 high). The best result was with the above Mode switch setup. From first hitting play I get about 30 seconds clean audio with this setting, before the clicking/staticky sound arrives. Then it is there until the dac is restarted (i power off/on).

With SPDIF I get great results (as you would expect from the Sabre and only 10cm of wire between transport and dac). I just wanted to explore whether there are any gains in using I2S in tis instance. I have had not noticed instances of losing lock with SPDIF.

Thanks, as always, for your help on this.


Hi Mark,

OK things look to be configured correctly but try setting Bypass low.

Let me know if that helps.

Hi Russ,
today I connected the DSD output from a DENON 1920 to D1, D2 and DCK on the Buffalo, as you indicated on the other thread. I turned the SPIF to off and then put switch 1 to ' - ' . Unfortunately I messed up the three vias next to the Burr Brown chip in the DENON so I soldered the three wires directly on the pins of the chip. Anyway I don't get any music - no sound at all.

Have I got the switches set in the right positions? I have the SPDIF switch off, switch 1 is set to ' - ', and switches 2,3 and 4 are all at '+'.

Your help would be appreciated.
Hi Russ,

thanks for your quick replies.

I have checked the wires which aren't shorted. Changing the position of switch 3 doesn't make any difference.

I have connected the ground input to the chassis. I checked that pin 1 of the DSD chip is also connected to chassis somewhere. So there is continuity between G on the Buffalo and pin 1 on the DSD chip. Is this sufficient?

Thanks again for your thoughts. It may be that I have ******ed the DSD chip when using my DMM (9V battery). In which case it's no great loss as I'm really enjoyong the dac via SPDIF anyway - I just need an OTTO.

I notice that the D1 LED is lit but not the D2 - even when SPDIF is playing. When does the D2 LED light?

kind regards

Proud owner

I've managed to get a Buffalo/IVY/power supply from a nice guy from Bulgaria. It is the 1.0 board and I note the silk screen error.
Can I ask a couple of questions. I've looked at the TP website and this forum but this thread goes on forever and I can't find the answers.
1. How does one get at the firmware? Is there somewhere to download upgrades if needed and how is that done?
2. I'm using SPDIF from a Phillips CD Pro with the clock disabled and re-clocked with a TentLabs low jitter clock. Should I disble the Buffalo clock and use the TentLabs clock output or will the Buffalo sort this out?
3. There is a mysterious 'bag of bits' consisting of a spare 8 pin DIL IC, same part no as on the Buffalo board, 4x R5-R8 178 ohm, 4x R1-R4 357 ohm and 4x220 pf add on capacitors. I found the update instructions on page 1 of this thread, R1 to R4 on this IVY are 550R - should I change them and what is the spare IC for?
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