Build This MoFo!

Instead of doing nothing about it, some companies should ask
They do something all the time. Modushop just mentioned the costs involved out of pocket to bring a unit to production. Take a chance and buy money to see it not sell?

I can loose my shirt and build anything. I don't get paid. It all goes to overhead and repairs. If I had to pay rent as I've had to do I need to work 120 hour weeks. No vacation. If something sells or I have to sell off my assets because of 'costmores' not paying their bill I get to work 100 hour weeks. Then back to more hours to maintain poverty.

Companies have huge overheads. You want to work for Modushop and give your time as I have done working for myself and expect then a salary?

Mighty Moi has discussed cases with them and that pairing brought out the Iron Zen Pre and also the Dual MonoBloc Cases. Sounds like Modushop is listening and doing their best for the specific DIYaudio greedy boyz.

He also knows 'Greenies' get things done.

Then don't forget to mention Foundry costs and REGULATIONS and specific quality material that the gov'ts are continually forcing upon a manufacture. Plus their time doing reasearch here and still it isn't good enough???
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There is only One Mighy Moi and he is you. Your modesty is prolific and it shows the point being made there is contact with the company which has produced products when there seems to be dissention to the opposite.

6L6 and IAIMH have standing in this regard as well. Many more I'm sure.

Without the Zen Iron Pre there would be no need for the cases. You can't sell yourself short.
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They do something all the time. Modushop just mentioned the costs involved out of pocket to bring a unit to production. Take a chance and buy money to see it not sell?

I can loose my shirt and build anything. I don't get paid. It all goes to overhead and repairs. If I had to pay rent as I've had to do I need to work 120 hour weeks. No vacation. If something sells or I have to sell off my assets because of 'costmores' not paying their bill I get to work 100 hour weeks. Then back to more hours to maintain poverty.

Companies have huge overheads. You want to work for Modushop and give your time as I have done working for myself and expect then a salary?

Mighty Moi has discussed cases with them and that pairing brought out the Iron Zen Pre and also the Dual MonoBloc Cases. Sounds like Modushop is listening and doing their best for the specific DIYaudio greedy boyz.

He also knows 'Greenies' get things done.

Then don't forget to mention Foundry costs and REGULATIONS and specific quality material that the gov'ts are continually forcing upon a manufacture. Plus their time doing reasearch here and still it isn't good enough???

I’m not saying you don’t do enough, it would just be nice and you could gather valuable information if we could fill out a survey of what could be improved or changed. If nobody fills it or are not interested then ok, don’t go that way and you’re done. It’s just interesting to get the opinion of many people and see where that can lead to.


I’m not saying you ???they???

I have nothing to do with Modushop or any other co. I'm a only bringing up the point they are working with this forum for specific sinks for diyaudio amps. To reiterate I can build anything. For anything. A company has to work within their means. I don't have to. Matters not my doors are closed.

Everytime anything is done by commitee and many people failure is guarenteed.

All great inventions have a designer lead that created them. A real poor example is the Saturn V and the disaster Space 'Scuttle'.

Where it leads to is time and money wasted. And lives spent. That is the way now. Not the way it was in the past. The Titanic comes to mind. Get the Captain and Builders out of the loop and let the corp. run it. Works Great!. The more opinions a design suffers the less likely it will be built.

Either it works or it does not. How many opinions does it take to prove failure.

How many people worked with Tesla? How many 'worked' with Edison? Who had the greatest inventions? How many opinions did it take from Edison's staff to come up with ideas that did not work? To fix the failures those many opinions created in the first place?
don’t do enough, it would just be nice and you could gather valuable information if we could fill out a survey of what could be improved or changed. If nobody fills it or are not interested then ok, don’t go that way and you’re done. It’s just interesting to get the opinion of many people and see where that can lead to.

I'm not beratting anyone here. I just happened to open my big mouth to bring up a few points to show ModuShop is doing exactly what you all wish them to be doing.

I am sure they will build what you want in time if you present a Cad File. They will say yes or no.
To try and keep examples in historical context the Wrights built and flew the first succesful aeroplane. Yet the Smithsonian hired Langley and Curtiss to dispute their claim. They failed by opinion and commetee to dispute the Wrights.

Why do aeroplanes or cars have the sole designers name? Ford, Chevy, Cessna, Piper, Fokker, Douglas, Boing etc? Etc. Even Maschine Tools are named for the designer.

Why not built by commitee by the great minds at BAE? Sadly it is the latter now.

I always found it interesting designers had to come to little guys like me to get something built they could not in the big corp headed by educated intellects with credentialed opinions. Just running around those shops in the day with maschines brand new and not running because no body could figure out what to make on them again kinda proves the point.

Just this layman's poor opinion. Find a small shop that will say yes or no to you that what you want can be built to your terms and price if Modushop has failed.

Best, H.
Seems the pucks can sing in the mofo too.. I can say that they do it nicely with a big touch of warmth from the generated heat.


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