Burning Amp 2022! October 15th & 16th, Fort Mason San Francisco and Online to the World!

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Joined 2010
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Here is a map of Fort Mason for those coming to the in-person event. Parking is convenient, moderately priced, and available - if you come early.

FMC Blank_Parking Lot Map 2022.jpg


Joined 2003
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I just got a mass-mail from Tom.
folks with Zoom tickets will be getting an email with the link before the event. Of course you should download your Zoom software...
"Before the event" is/was really "your confirmation email", delivered right after your order cleared, titled Order Confirmation for Burning Amp Festival '22 ONLINE VIA ZOOM. Sometime in the last month (orders opened 15 Sept).

Near the bottom is a link :
Thomas Voigt (BAF'22 Organizer), is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Burning Amp Festival 2022
Join Zoom Meeting https:// us06web.zoom. us /j/84~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(edited; use your link)

If you do not already have Zoom, that link (at least on Windows) will download an official copy (follow the prompts, you have to OK this). When run, it will "wait for meeting". You don't want to leave it sit for days, but this is a handy time to run through the menus and turn-off mike and camera, check other options. (I think Ms Sood will turn-off all mikes except the presenters; and you may want to enable your camera, but only when appropriate.)

Today's email also has the (today's?) planned schedule. We all know these things slip, and there was a major switcharoo the other day, but IIRC last year's BAF was much better run and to-time than 98% of the conferences I worked in my days.
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Joined 2010
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PRR thank you for that great clarification. I believe Ruchi is planning a reminder, but yes, your confirmation email does have your link.

IIRC last year's BAF was much better run and to-time than 98% of the conferences I worked in my days.<<
Thank you for that. It's not easy. That is ran as well as it did is due in large part to Ms. Ruchi Sood, a pearl without price.

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Joined 2003
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Parking is convenient, moderately priced, and available
Huh.... I been living in the woods too long. $14/3hrs sounds a lot to me; I used to be able to park "down town" with the spare-change in my car's armrest. Buck an hour?

But what is "Meter Machine"? Is that like the new system in my downtown: you note your spot-number and then go to an "ATM"-like kiosk (see map), tell it spot and time, and it debits a credit card?

("Asking for a friend", obviously.)
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