Burning Amp 2022! October 15th & 16th, Fort Mason San Francisco and Online to the World!

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I'd like to say thank you to all the people who made Burning Amp 2022 possible.

Nelson, Tom, Jim, Penny, Nelson B, Ruichi, Presenters and the rest of the crew, thank you for all the time, organization and hard work.

I had a great time, learned a bunch of new things, and enjoyed connecting with Diyaudio members in person. Looking forward to BA 2023!


Joined 2003
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Gaseous Conductors By James Dillon Cobine
Archive.org has a digital copy you can borrow for one hour at a time. I have done this for another book and it is a minor annoyance, reading real fast in spurts too short for good digestion. But a good first taste.
Old dead tree copies can be found on Amazon.com and ABE.com for $30-$60 and up (and up!). The color cover is a 1958 Dover paperback reprint. These were usually excellent reading copies. The cloth hardcover is more impressive on the shelf (looks like a law book) and is the 1941 first printing.


Joined 2009
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A big thank you from me as well to Tom and the crew for a great event!

I shared the room with Adam Thorne and @Skip Pack and had a great time learning about each other's gear. Adam had a cool hand-held speaker running off batteries that you could connect via bluetooth. Hope he starts a thread on it soon--I'd like to build one. Skip had great full range speakers and what we, in the room, dubbed as the "Tie Amp," which was a stereo bridged ACA, as well as a Mod86 with huge PS filter coils. Very clean builds.

Had a lot of fun hanging out with other diyers all day. Special shout out to @poseidonsvoice and @tomchr. Tom, next time I will bring something with more than 8W of power :blush:

Fort Mason rooms are a nice challenge for us diyers but it can be done! I will bring some acoustic damping squares for the room next time to damp the HF energy. I tried a 2 db cut (shelf) at 1000 Hz and that seemed to help a little.

Looking forward to 2023!
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as I just wrote in zoom chat, right before the end - ZM's head hurts, from both lectures ...... THANK you all !

even if I was sleepy, finishing all the chores (feeding all little animals who owns me etc.), I got pretty much all of it

Even had a pleasure to see two of Tree Amigos - Mr. Dear and Mr. Ver Halen


Steve and I saw you as well, although your screen appeared frozen. Know you were there in heart. We are up visiting with Nelson now and wishing you were here with us. Make sure to have plans to get here next year so we can get together.

Jon and Steve

Here was @ra7 ’s setup. I‘ll let him chime in on the detail specifics.





Neil’s Wolverine In the flesh! Hand model courtesy of @tomchr !

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A big Thank You to Tom and absolutely everyone who volunteered to make this happen. It would be very nice to see a list of all of the volunteers posted in this thread. Also, thank you to Mario for moderating the Zoom part of the event. I attended my first BAF in 2019, where I displayed a preamp I built. Had hoped to make this one, but was a paid attendee for both days on Zoom, which was great! Next year I'll be able to attend in person and check out everyone's creations.

I was also fortunate enough to win one of the ACA Mini kits at the last minute before the Zoom event ended - thank you!
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next year ZOOM allowed just for non-US residents


pity it was so small number of in vivo participants

I was going -- had a ticket and everything -- then my sister's entire family got Covid so a bit of discretion was in order. I suspect, once this thing is finally over, 2023 will be filled to the rafters.

To keep with the DIYaudio motif I spent the entire weekend debugging this, based on a WHAMMY gone feral:


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