Bybee Fraud Protection

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You 'Audio Inquisition' guys are at it again this week, I see

You're so certain that the Buybee products don't work that you're willing to label him a liar, thief and more, on a public website (plus, completely ignoring the website's 'rules of behaviour') without even evaluating the products for yourselves

This isn't engineering or science - it's belief and opinion, just like any religion.

The Buybee people offer a 30 day unconditional moneyback guarantee, so the comments about 'huckster' and 'scam artist' are quite offensive and incorrect.

I haven't tried any of the Buybee's products, but the words of John C, Max, Bill and others are enough to convince me to try them out for myself and make up my own mind despite my initial negative reaction to the product technical material on their site.

Yeah...Why be soooo harsh on a guy just because he claims to have invented a device that defies the laws of physics, based on technology so secret that he had to take an oath of secrecy, and only he and "the military" are allowed to know?

So on that note...I've invented a new heretofore unknown technology based on polished neutrons (don't ask, if I told you, you would know) imbedded in what appears to be an ordinary roll of toilet paper. But I guarantee that wiping your *** with this technological miracle will raise your IQ and, wait for it, will compel persons of the opposite sex to find you much more attractive, or your money back. Wanna buy some?


So far I cannot hear any change, either positive or negative, in the audio from my iphone6.

I'll try Dan's advice.

Yes, it'll mess with your head.
Watch out for a subtle signature in addition to general clarifying/dirt reduction.
I am interested to hear your initial and longer term findings.

You 'Audio Inquisition' guys are at it again this week, I see

You're so certain that the Buybee products don't work that you're willing to label him a liar, thief and more, on a public website (plus, completely ignoring the website's 'rules of behaviour') without even evaluating the products for yourselves

This isn't engineering or science - it's belief and opinion, just like any religion.

The Buybee people offer a 30 day unconditional moneyback guarantee, so the comments about 'huckster' and 'scam artist' are quite offensive and incorrect.

I haven't tried any of the Buybee's products, but the words of John C, Max, Bill and others are enough to convince me to try them out for myself and make up my own mind despite my initial negative reaction to the product technical material on their site.

The biggest BS artists outside of government are either employed by Monsanto and the Grocery Manufacturers Association or the Pharmaceutical Industry (and the nearly total failure of the 40 years old 'War Against Cancer') - IMO, naturally!

Provide some evidence to back up the devices instead of coming out of the woodwork shouting how wonderful the emperors new clothes are, I would also suggest you read up on ALL the stuff that has been put up regarding these devices before you start shouting off about no body trying them, hell if you want to believe in magic go for it. But the whole point of science is getting evidence something which many here forget, and when the only evidence is some cr** testimonial that defies physics put up by a competent engineer then you have to ask yourself what is going on, it is presented as science and engineering so is subject to close scrutiny.
So far I cannot hear any change, either positive or negative, in the audio from my iphone6.

I'll try Dan's advice.

Yes, it'll mess with your head.
Watch out for a subtle signature in addition to general clarifying/dirt reduction.
I am interested to hear your initial and longer term findings.


Dan's advice is going to mess with your exception bias so only a DBT would be relevant in this instance... you have been conditioned and are now part of the conspiracy I am afraid:)

About 3 or 4 years ago there was links to a site where the BQPs were dismantled and shock horror found to contain a resistor, when measured by Sy they measured the same as a low value resistor...
At least we now know the author was right on one thing: some of his readers don't know much physics. This being the 21st century, where everyone's opinion has to count, they believe that their ignorance is somehow superior to the knowledge possessed by others.

I should not need to have to do this, but here is one reason why the devices cannot work as claimed:
The only way to reliably remove noise from a signal is if the noise and signal have sufficiently different properties that a filter can distinguish them. In the case of audio the noise and the signal have been through the same filters so they occupy near enough the same spectrum - so we can't use a normal frequency filter to remove noise. Noise is random, but music is not; can we use that? No, because music is not sufficiently ordered for a non-intelligent device to exploit. An 'intelligent' device (e.g. an MP3 encoder) can do clever things based on the known properties of music but nobody is explicitly claiming that the Bybees are intelligent. Some people are implicitly claiming this, though, which is why we sometimes joke about Maxwell demons.

Some comments on the device seem to make the same mistake as those who believe that as a PP output does not generate much even-order distortion (due to cancellation) it can also magically remove even-order distortion fed into it.
Yeah, sorry Mooly - a bit over the top there.

What I don't get is that over the years, with the amount of 'static' these things seems to be surrounded with, has anyone actually found out what they're made of and how they're supposed to work (in English anyway)?

It's pretty clear than John Curl (and others too) is quite capable of discerning if the products work for him ad I'm pretty sure he would know if the devices were just simple resistors packaged up as some exotic material and wrapped up in indecipherable nonsense, but I don't actually know

On another note, Sy seems quite happy to label the guy a fraud, cheat, etc but as Cal's devices weren't returned for refund or whatever, is he actually dishonest at all?

Is his 30 day refund guarantee bogus? I do want to know this if I'm going to try the expensive things out and I'm sure plenty of other people are thinking the same - some facts would be welcome here ...

Marce, not sure what is meant by "Emperor's clothes here and wouldn't it be wonderful if we could access some magic for ourselves, but ...

when the only evidence is some cr** testimonial that defies physics put up by a competent engineer then you have to ask yourself what is going on,

About this tho, the bit about it defying physics is questionable - there are plenty of things that defy known physical principles and as science is constantly evolving, where do you fix the absolutes?

So, it all comes down to the subjective opinion of the consumers in contrast to those folks who can't see how they can make any difference and want to advise people not to waste their money, yes?

Unless, of course, it can be shown (tested) that the devices are actually just simple resistors packaged up as exotic devices?

Okay Cal, they didn't do anything in your and Sy's testing but if the devices were returned for refund, how can Sy call him dishonest? Perhaps it could be said that the information describing the devices on his website is inaccurate but as I understand very little of it, is he wrong?

hat is the reason that he's and as I understand it, when dismantled, the devices appeared to be simple resistors, yes? The problem I have with this discussion isn't if the products work or notfor you otherwise we wouldn't be talking about them, but the big problem I have is if they aren't even your purches, why do you cxall him dishonest when you products
.....It's all about quantum uncertainty.
It's all about energy transfer.

Quantum noise only becomes prominent when dealing with signals that are small enough for the laws of quantum mechanics to start playing a role. Hi-fi audio signals are nowhere near that small. They manipulate a huge amount of electrons, which can be seen as an equally huge amount of "coin flips". In other words: The uncertainty of a hi-fi audio signal is so low, that the quantum noise is practically zero. There's no need to "purify" it.
It's still about energy transfer.
It could be that due to electron positional uncertainty, a 'randomness' is added to the magnitude of rate of energy transfer, and further a 'randomness' added to the timing of this randomness of rate of energy transfer.
I contend this 'randomness' is not purely white mathematically random and is spectrally moderated according to the chemical physical elements present in the system.
So, IOW a modulation of instantaneous power transfer, and a modulation of instantaneous phase is modulated by the mix of elemental atoms present in the system in question.

Besides, a real attempt to "purify" quantum noise would require breaking the laws of quantum mechanics...
No not actually, I think.
I contend that the mixture of physical elements in a typical electrical energy conduction system conspire to produce intermodulations.
I find that the spectral nature of these intermodulations can be easily controlled at the final end of the energy transduction by intelligent choice of mixture of physical elements in the near field of the conductors at the end of the transduction system.
I further find that this alteration of distortions and intermodulations is easily audible in typical audio systems, and easily visible in typical video systems.

Okay Cal, they didn't do anything in your and Sy's testing but if the devices were returned for refund, how can Sy call him dishonest?

Because he's selling stuff using false claims and misrepresentation. We call that "dishonesty." It takes a remarkable amount of gullibility to swallow that stuff, and even more to defend it. It takes an absolute lack of morals and integrity to promote scams like that.
I contend this 'randomness' is not purely white mathematically random and is spectrally moderated according to the chemical physical elements present in the system.
So, IOW a modulation of instantaneous power transfer, and a modulation of instantaneous phase is modulated by the mix of elemental atoms present in the system in question...
I contend that the mixture of physical elements in a typical electrical energy conduction system conspire to produce intermodulations.
I find that the spectral nature of these intermodulations can be easily controlled at the final end of the energy transduction by intelligent choice of mixture of physical elements in the near field of the conductors at the end of the transduction system.

Pure and unadulterated gibberish. Congratulations, you have a bright future ahead of you in audio scamming.
Pure and unadulterated gibberish. Congratulations, you have a bright future ahead of you in audio scamming.

Because he's selling stuff using false claims and misrepresentation. We call that "dishonesty." It takes a remarkable amount of gullibility to swallow that stuff, and even more to defend it. It takes an absolute lack of morals and integrity to promote scams like that.
I hear same difference with BQP's installed in several systems, and others report the same.

BIG QUESTION - Did you actually try listening to any systems with BQP's installed ?.

Perhaps it could be said that the information describing the devices on his website is inaccurate but as I understand very little of it, is he wrong?

Yes as I, DF96, and others point out (seems pointlessly) the claims directly say these devices violate the second law of thermodynamics if you know something about physics and information theory.

How long before this ones closed?
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