Classic view, visited/unvisited

You mentioned shift-refresh but that site suggests maybe it's CTRL F5 (Win) or CMD+SHIFT+R (Mac).
I, too, had no difference between read/unread in the Classic Theme, but once I used CMD+SHIFT+R, my visited links are now clearly different again. They are not so much black as a dark grey in comparison to blue for those unvisited. So, maybe a hard refresh is all that's necessary for some of us. I'm using Chrome on a Macbook Air running Big Sur 11.7.3.
Hope this helps.
When I finally got accoustomed and felt good with the site's aspect , made the best adjustments to fonts and background as I moved on my mobile version, it came back and even smaller...damn it...I don't care anymore! Maybe this way I'll hopefully spend less time here :)

I couldn't have said it better either. This forum was a special, stable forum, a reference for me. Now it's just like all the other thousands of forums on the net.
Absolutely nothing special.

I don't have the ctrl key on my phone nor the + key
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Joined 2010
@sesebe I don't feel like this is just another forum, it's my main forum for audio, but today I registered on a watch forum to evaluate one of my watches and realized the big difference between a platform evaluating and selling 500 k$ fashion watches and an audio electronics platform... From my first interaction there I earned 40 $ in sales due to their timely professional historical and technical evaluation of a watch in just one day.12 years here and I didn't earn a penny from audio...
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This forum was a special, stable forum, a reference for me.

Yes it is. It was stable for at least the last decade, it has been disrupted this last year from the move to the new BBS platform.

In the early days people where clamouring for th eold format. Jason has finally had the time to really start working on that (Flags!!!). We are closer to where we were before the migration, still a ways to go, and no reason we can’t tweak if needednonce or while we get there.

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I think, before, if you even peeped a thread, it was "Read". So my memory thinks your memory is incorrect. 🤷‍♂️
Sorry I was in a rush and didn't proof read my response. Let's try again. Right now
  • If you peek it is marked as read
  • If someone else then posts in the thread it's marked as unread until you peek again.

Before I thought if you peeked it remained marked as read?

BTW I personally like the loss of the duplo bold it's just this reverting to unread that is confusing me. For those on phones complaining zoom the screen with your fingers.
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get back the "unread in bold"
Here's the original pre-migration appearance:


What I'm hearing is that people don't want the classic theme to actually be true to the original. I'm happy to do that. A year of dealing with a horrible thick black heading font has changed your reading habits that much. But... I'm guessing you will get used to the easier to read font pretty quickly. Just as we all get used to new (or in this case, old) things.

However I would note that there are more changes planned ahead - to bring the classic theme even closer to the pre-migration theme. Reduce the clutter, get rid unnecessary guff. No doubt there will be complaints about that too. In fact any changes, any progress, is likely to be met with resistance as some people will find the progress forward and some find it backwards.

The classic theme was not one that was planned to be actively developed. It's purpose was so that members who liked the old site can keep that appearance until they are happy to move to the new style. I wasn't involved in the creation of the classic (post-migration) theme, but I do have the power now to make changes to it and have it live up to its name. The new light and dark theme are where the most effort will be made to get them looking great, as they were designed for XF, whereas the classic theme was an attempt to help bridge the gap using what CSS tricks are available on top of the XF framework.

Here's the issue then: The original pre-migration site uses Verdana. Verdana doesn't have a nice "bolder" version. It's a font from the early days of the internet that was designed to look good on screens with DPIs of the day. It has a bold version but that bold is very very bold.

So either we will need to switch the font from the classic Verdana font to something that has a demi-bold, or I let 'er rip with the bold version of Verdana. I'd much rather the former, I really dislike the heavy bold.
diyAudio Moderator
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Perhaps some find that even with the original font, it's the rate of information intake.. Having the thread starter and subforum between the titles changes the aesthetic. Perhaps it takes a greater distinction, hence the desire for bold, to put focus on the titles and mentally block the other information as you go down the list?
The last round of color adjustments did improve the contrast between read and unread. I find it far more usable now.

Personally, I prefer bold plus a color difference, because it made it that much more obvious on a quick scan.

While I'm normally pretty focused on aesthetics, this site is more about function to me. I'm here for the information and participation primarily. The exact font used or beauty of the page layout is lower on my priorities. But I also appreciate that there are people giving those things consideration. :)
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When when migrated, I made much mention that the design was not in a state I was particularly happy with. But we did need to migrate and pronto. The old vBulletin site was falling apart by the seams. The migration went smoothly, we have had zero downtime since migration due to our own server / software issues (the few periods were due to our host Linode's higher level datacenter issues and sporadic Cloudflare issues).

The last year has been a period of acclimatisation. To get to this point where I can make changes myself has taken much long than I'd hoped, but we're now here. And I'm listening and open to input as to how we move forward to make the site work how we as our unique global diyAudio community want and need it to work, unrestrained by cookie cutter solutions but at the same time being very careful not to again get ourselves into upgrade hell (so many modifications to the base software it becomes difficult to stay up to date).

I'll publish a roadmap in the near future.

For me, using the classic theme, and looking at the front page - the current font (Verdana, 11px (up from the original of 10)) is a breath of visual fresh air compared to the old heavy bold whatever it was. I agree a touch a bold would be great - but that's not an option with Verdana. I'll continue with tidying up the classic theme and making it more true to the original for a while as this theme was the unfortunate runt of the litter and did not get the attention it needed. Then I'll start focusing on the primary light and dark themes, but only after addressing other core issues (email, enhanced thread printing).
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  • Difference between regular and visited link colors has been made more obvious
  • 2px border between posts now 1px
  • Text entry area now has a light background instead of gray (original pre-migration was white)
  • Grey post time and link/bookmark/postNumber links darkened
  • Various padding has been increased and decreased to gift more breathing space to elements
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