Convert Krell 300iL to European voltage

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Sorry for not getting back on this. I have been waiting for replies on the jbug11 mailing list. The program I use, jbug11, has recently came out in a new version, but after installing it, it doesn't work (getting segmentation violation), so I am waiting for some assistance myself.

Will give you an update when I've got something. Patience...
Hello iampivot,
How about the SACD patch? And please help me one more thing. This is the program from Krell KAV-400xi amplifier. I bought this Krell amp and SACD from the US, but now I can't use both of them.
Please help me, cause Krell said that I must send SACD and Amp to the US for the conversion.
I'm very sorry for my bothers, but I can't ask help from another.

Thanks you so so much! And I'm waiting for you everyday.


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Amp dissassembly


I dissassembled your s19 file and found the routine that checks the mains cycle

D4D4	3C              LD4D4:	pushX	
D4D5	18 3C           	pushY	
D4D7	CE 10 00        	ldX	#$1000
D4DA	18 CE 00 00     	ldY	#$0000
D4DE	1E 00 08 FC     LD4DE:	brset	0, X, #%00001000, LD4DE
D4E2	1F 00 08 FC     LD4E2:	brclr	0, X, #%00001000, LD4E2
D4E6	18 08           @0	incY	
D4E8	01              	nop	
D4E9	01              	nop	
D4EA	1E 00 08 F8     	brset	0, X, #%00001000, @0
D4EE	18 08           @1	incY	
D4F0	01              	nop	
D4F1	01              	nop	
D4F2	1F 00 08 F8     	brclr	0, X, #%00001000, @1
D4F6	18 8C 09 25     	cmpY	#$0925
D4FA	23 06           	bls	@2
D4FC	86 01           	ldaA	#$01
D4FE	18 38           	popY	
D500	38              	popX	
D501	39              	ret	
D502	4F              @2	clrA	
D503	18 38           	popY	
D505	38              	popX	
D506	39              	ret

I dont have time to analyze which of the returns actually enables the amplifier. The thing that needs to be modified thoug is the instruction at address $D4FA.

The A accumulator contains either 0 or 1 after meassuring the cycle perid of the mains power.

When I get more time I will analyze how to change it to remove the "bug"

Regards /// Carl-Fredrik
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thanks for disassembling this, I'm still waiting to get my jbug11 installation working..

Can you check the code that calls the subroutine you disassembled (a call like JSR $D4D4)? There's probably a conditional jump on the return value. The code can probably be patched in the same way as on the 300iL. It had the conditional jump at address D3B9.

This disassembly was for the 400xi code, right?
This is the mains cycle check routine in the SACD player

D354	3C              LD354:	pushX	
D355	18 3C           	pushY	
D357	CE 10 00        	ldX	#$1000
D35A	18 CE 00 00     	ldY	#$0000
D35E	1E 0A 02 FC     LD35E:	brset	10, X, #%00000010, LD35E
D362	1F 0A 02 FC     LD362:	brclr	10, X, #%00000010, LD362
D366	18 08           @0	incY	
D368	01              	nop	
D369	01              	nop	
D36A	1E 0A 02 F8     	brset	10, X, #%00000010, @0
D36E	18 08           @1	incY	
D370	01              	nop	
D371	01              	nop	
D372	1F 0A 02 F8     	brclr	10, X, #%00000010, @1
D376	18 8C 09 23     	cmpY	#$0923
D37A	22 04           	bhi	@2
D37C	18 38           	popY	
D37E	38              	popX	
D37F	39              	ret	
D380	14 13 08        @2	bset	L0013, #%00001000
D383	BD D0 D3        	call	LD0D3
D386	15 13 02        	bclr	L0013, #%00000010
D389	BD D0 D3        	call	LD0D3
D38C	0F              @3	di	
D38D	14 13 01        	bset	L0013, #%00000001
D390	BD D0 D3        	call	LD0D3
D393	18 CE FF FF     	ldY	#$FFFF
D397	18 09           @4	decY	
D399	26 FC           	bne	@4
D39B	15 13 01        	bclr	L0013, #%00000001
D39E	BD D0 D3        	call	LD0D3
D3A1	18 CE FF FF     	ldY	#$FFFF
D3A5	18 09           @5	decY	
D3A7	26 FC           	bne	@5
D3A9	20 E1           	jr	@3

Here its the instruction at address $D37A that needs to be changed. I will look at this when I get more time. It seems though that if execution jumps to @2 you will enter a infinite loop. So I assume that should be avoided.

/// Carl
Hi, iampivot

The subroutine in the 400ix is called below and then the result is checked
D3B5	BD D4 D4        	call	LD4D4
D3B8	4D              	tstA	
D3B9	27 09           	beq	LD3C4
D3BB	18 CE D2 FE     	ldY	#$D2FE
D3BF	BD E7 AC        	call	LE7AC

The subroutine in the SACD is called at initialization of the MCU. See the code below
D000	8E 01 FF        @0	ldS	#$01FF
D003	BD D5 8C        	call	LD58C
D006	CE 10 00        	ldX	#$1000
D009	1D 00 08        	bclr	0, X, #%00001000
D00C	1C 26 08        	bset	38, X, #%00001000
D00F	14 13 08        	bset	L0013, #%00001000
D012	BD D0 D3        	call	LD0D3
D015	BD D3 54        	call	LD354

Reagrds /// Carl-Fredrik
I dont know if your planning on patching the existing MCU or use a new blank one? If youre using a new one you will have a backup but you need to dump the configuration registers from old one.

I am not uptodate with HC11, has been a while since I patched my fpb-200 so it will take some time before I can send you a patched file.

regards /// Carl-Fredrik
amp patch

The easiest way to patch the amp would be like iampivot did. in this case change the h'fe at address D3C3 to h'00.

D3C2 20 FE LD3C2: jr LD3C2

I dont have the time to make a s19 file for this. Maybe iampivot can provide the one he used and you just change the address and checksum.

BR /// Carl
SACD Patch

The SACD is a bit more tricky, I think I have an idea though

D36A	1E 0A 02 F8     	brset	10, X, #%00000010, @0
D36E	18 08           @1	incY	
D370	01              	nop	
D371	01              	nop	
D372	1F 0A 02 F8     	brclr	10, X, #%00000010, @1
D376	18 8C 09 23     	cmpY	#$0923
D37A	22 04           	bhi	@2
D37C	18 38           	popY	
D37E	38              	popX	
D37F	39              	ret

Am I correct to assume that if I change the h'F8 at address h'D36D to h'08 that jump would go to address h'D376?

This way only half cycle would be meassured and when comparing index Y with constant it should always be lower and the function will return.

/// Carl
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Both SACD and amp only work in 60Hz (US Frequency). But in Vietnam (my country) or Europe, the frequency is only 50Hz. So when I plug the power in, both of them don't work.
So I have several ideas to patch (but I don't know how to do):

1. Patch like iampivot: pass the infinite loop.

2. Change the constant value, from 60Hz to 50Hz. But my friend said that he can't find this constant.

Mr iampivot and mr audio_cf, please help me to patch these files.
I see that the result is coming.
I'm waiting for your infos everyday!

Many Thanks !
Re: SACD Patch

audio_cf said:
The SACD is a bit more tricky, I think I have an idea though

D36A	1E 0A 02 F8     	brset	10, X, #%00000010, @0
D36E	18 08           @1	incY	
D370	01              	nop	
D371	01              	nop	
D372	1F 0A 02 F8     	brclr	10, X, #%00000010, @1
D376	18 8C 09 23     	cmpY	#$0923
D37A	22 04           	bhi	@2
D37C	18 38           	popY	
D37E	38              	popX	
D37F	39              	ret

Am I correct to assume that if I change the h'F8 at address h'D36D to h'08 that jump would go to address h'D376?

This way only half cycle would be measured and when comparing index Y with constant it should always be lower and the function will return.

/// Carl

You might be correct. The constant could also be changed I guess. But is it correct to assume that returning there is what we want? It looks like initialisation might continue at @2. Can you check if there is an infinite loop happening somewhere in the code if the function actually returns at D37F.

Take a look at that BHI instruction, maybe we just need to make it unconditional.

My 68hc11 assembler is a bit rusty though, so I wont make any bold claims yet on the feasibility, but looking a bit on the opcode map (see it looks like the BHI opcode can be changed into a BRA (branch always). The second argument to BHI is the number of bytes to jump, and I guess the BRA takes the same argument.

Handy reference here;

If my assumption is correct, we'd only need to change location D37A from h'22 to h'20.
Welll we dont want to jump to @2 thats the start of infinite loop. We just want to restore index y and index and return from the function call.

We could change the h'22 to h'20 but in that case we would also have to change the following h'04 to h'00. That way it would become a nop.

The constant can't be changed to a bigger value. Can only change 1's to 0's. To solve our bug by changing the constant we would have to increase it in size.

/// Carl-Fredrik
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