copy Proac?

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I have always loved the sound of Proac speakers. Is it possible to build an identical DIY speaker? Are there plans? I'd be happy to buy the crossover if it's not too expensive, wonder if Proac would sell one? Anyhow any thoughts, advice, whatever most welcome.

Thanks from a complete know-nothing-whatsoever rookie.

you can buy original Proac customised Scan or Seas drivers but the cost will be high . If you love Proac sound buy used. From the threads I read , Proac cloning was an ultimate failure. I made a clone of Response 1S . I got original woofers from very early examples with milky poly cones. Cost of components without a cab ~$400++ easily and if you're not a woodworker and want something really worth looking at, figure $200 for small cabinets. You can buy Used Response 1S for $750-800 which will still be worth $750-800 after you're ready to upgrade , while your clone would be worth ??? I'm only saying this because you are into it for saving money reason. Looking from perspective it won't save you a dime. Post on Swap meet that you'd like to buy a Proac clone and maybe somebody will sell you one for the parts cost or even less.
yep, from what i gather the 2.5 was an exercise in futility/failure, the SP95 at troelsgravesen didnt turn out too well, even after several revisions, but he took the design and used different cabs, slightly different drivers for the SP98-9 and it seems to have worked quite well, thats what i'm betting on anyway, i'm not in it for the saving money angle, not a great reason for diy IMO, it rarely turns out that way with any project of quality. i'm building those, or the jensen 1071 (just the top half till i add woofers and associated dac channels).

I didnt have a burning desire to build a clone, i just happen to be keen on those scanspeaks and dont have the skill/experience needed to build something from scratch. i'm running a fully digital mac based XO though, so can tweak much more easily.

here in OZ youde be lucky to find something like that used though and it wouldnt be going for anything like that if it did.
just pure music plus some waves plugins at the moment, but organising a few more demos. my multichannel USB-i2s hardware (Titan) doesnt play well with allocator due to being UAC2 based and win STILL not supporting it, so i cant even run it in win on my mac in a straight forward manner. i'm working to solve this, because IMO its only equals are fully professional solutions and cost FAR more money. hopefully one day he'll come out with the native mac version, but i'm not holding my breath any longer. if it happens that will be excellent, but for now PM actually does a decent job
A very belated thank you to everyone. I posted that and got engulfed with the holidays etc.

If anybody is still here, why do Proac 2.5 clones fail? Is it that you can't get the right drivers, or you can't get the crossover right (being proprietary after all)? It seems like experienced DIYers could pretty much nail the cabinet....

Thanks again,
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