• These commercial threads are for private transactions. diyAudio.com provides these forums for the convenience of our members, but makes no warranty nor assumes any responsibility. We do not vet any members, use of this facility is at your own risk. Customers can post any issues in those threads as long as it is done in a civil manner. All diyAudio rules about conduct apply and will be enforced.

CRC Power Supply (Class A amplifier)

mcandmar (4 boards) ok
Project16 (2 boards) ok
Myint67 (6 board ) ok
gwrskien (10 boards) ok
asuslover (4 boards)ok
Morde (2 boards) ok
Ryssen (2 boards) ok
bristto (4 boards) ok
Marra (4 boards) ok
patriz (4 boards) ok
gnomcat (10 boards) ok
bloozestringer (4 boards) ok
bOTL (10 boards) ok
Prasi (2 boards) ok
emynet (2 boards)ok
TIC37 (4 boards)ok
Sadik (2 boards)ok
rephil (10 boards)ok
JJGB (6 boards) ok
joshvi (4 boards) ok
zrxshack (4 boards) ok
mituisho (4 boards) ok
outtek (4 boards) ok
Pepperman (4 boards) ok
Nounouchet (4 boards) ok
Joca (4 boards) ok
883bkong(4 boards) ok
microx (2 boards) ok
bk856er(2 boards) ok
quan (4 boards) ok
oceanpeak (8 boards, but 6 available, tell me if you are ok with 6. if there are cancellation, i would fulfill your 8 board requirement)

Received the pilot pcb's today. i say these are of very good quality, comparable to the quality one gets from pcbway. At 2.4mm thick, these would rather break than bend when i tried to bend them.
hopefully i get time tomorrow to test one pcb.



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Hi All,
Since i was so excited to get these PCB's, I couldn't wait to test. Its 2.17AM here in India!. Works perfect!. no problems.
i used mur1560 and 10nf across diodes and not the quasimodo comps.Thank you Project16 for the excellent design. Tomorrow i will give a go ahead to produce remaining 130pcb to manufacturer.
from the pilot batch, i will be able to supply to
mcandmar (4)
Project16 (2)
morde (2)


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Hi All,
Since i was so excited to get these PCB's, I couldn't wait to test. Its 2.17AM here in India!. Works perfect!. no problems.
Very good news! :)
With larger heat sinks, larger capacitors and rectifier diodes of 22A or 30A this power supply will be able to support amplifiers very power-hungry and in addition with the CRC snubber it is well optimized.
Thanks for everything prasi!:up:
Very good news! :)
With larger heat sinks, larger capacitors and rectifier diodes of 22A or 30A this power supply will be able to support amplifiers very power-hungry and in addition with the CRC snubber it is well optimized.
Thanks for everything prasi!:up:
Hi Project16,
sorry for late reply to your post. thanks are due to you because of the beautiful, fantastic and flexible design.
It was a pleasure to build.
as posted earlier (post#145), i have shipped the pcbs to concerned people (including you) from the pilot pcbs. now have to wait for 15 more days to get full batch in my hands. cant wait!:smash:
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Morde and Project 16,
Glad that you got your PCB's in quick time. Is the packing good enough to your satisfaction considering international shipment, where it gets tossed around.. ? and also some comments about quality of PCB would be helpful.
I was surprised by the thickness of the PCB, with a thickness like this the middle holes to put a fifth spacer is not essential because the plate is very solid. The serigraphy is perfect and the tracks very thick (no problem to circulate strong currents). Manufacturing is serious.
For packaging, no problem! The PCBs were well protected by the bubbles and the plastic envelope did not suffer from the transport but solid scissors are necessary because it is very solid.
In short, beautiful boards with an indestructible packaging.

Thanks a lot!
Hi all,
Got the remaining 130 PCB's in my hand today.
I will only contact some people initially thro PM as I am going to be busy until next tuesday. Then I will contact remaining members.

here are the pics. Once payment is done I will ship out the PCB's.



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mcandmar (4 boards) ok, shipped
Project16 (2 boards) ok, delivered
Myint67 (6 board ) ok, invoice sent
gwrskien (10 boards) ok, inv sent, paid
asuslover (4 boards)ok, inv sent
Morde (2 boards) ok, delivered
Ryssen (2 boards) ok, inv sent
bristto (4 boards) ok, PM sent
Marra (4 boards) ok, inv sent, paid
patriz (4 boards) ok PM will be sent by next tuesday)
gnomcat (10 boards) ok, inv sent
bloozestringer (4 boards) ok, inv sent
bOTL (10 boards) ok, inv sent
Prasi (2 boards) ok
emynet (2 boards)ok, PM sent
Sadik (2 boards)ok, PM sent

in next week ,
TIC37 (4 boards)ok
rephil (10 boards)ok
JJGB (6 boards) ok
joshvi (4 boards) ok
zrxshack (4 boards) ok
mituisho (4 boards) ok
outtek (4 boards) ok
Pepperman (4 boards) ok
Nounouchet (4 boards) ok
Joca (4 boards) ok
883bkong(4 boards) ok
microx (2 boards) ok
bk856er(2 boards) ok
quan (4 boards) ok
oceanpeak (8 boards) ok

those who got PM/invoice pl respond with details/payments, as i am going to be busy until next Tuesday from Friday.

mcandmar (4 boards) ok, shipped
Project16 (2 boards) ok, delivered
Myint67 (6 board ) ok, invoice sent
gwrskien (10 boards) ok, shipped
asuslover (4 boards)ok, will ship tomorrow
Morde (2 boards) ok, delivered
Ryssen (2 boards) ok, will ship tomorrow
bristto (4 boards) ok, PM sent
Marra (4 boards) ok, will ship tomorrow
patriz (4 boards) ok PM will be sent by next tuesday)
gnomcat (10 boards) ok, shipped
bloozestringer (4 boards) ok, will ship tomorrow
bOTL (10 boards) ok, will ship tomorrow
Prasi (2 boards) ok :)
emynet (2 boards)ok, PM sent
Sadik (2 boards)ok, shipped

in next week ,
TIC37 (4 boards)ok
rephil (10 boards)ok
JJGB (6 boards) ok
joshvi (4 boards) ok
zrxshack (4 boards) ok
mituisho (4 boards) ok
outtek (4 boards) ok
Pepperman (4 boards) ok
Nounouchet (4 boards) ok
Joca (4 boards) ok
883bkong(4 boards) ok
microx (2 boards) ok
bk856er(2 boards) ok
quan (4 boards) ok
oceanpeak (8 boards) ok