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Curved Pensil inspired Alpair 10.3 prototypes build log

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Bookmarked these ages ago. not cheap, but should work like a charm!


Curvomatic - The quickest and best way to make curved molds
there is a link to their website below the image.

1200mm x 800mm is £650 + vat. Not cheap, but your right after a few cabinets would pay for itself, and save lots of ply formers cluttering up the shop.

I have the joy of running a cabinet makers shop, with 5 others, with their rent paying for upgrades and new toys. This might have to join the list, perhaps before a spindle moulder...
Studio Au:
very nice cabinets, I like that you progressed from all the threads with various sketches :)

They have the same shape as I am aiming for the bass cabinets. But little bit bigger. It will cost me a bomb, but should be pretty good, CNCd and all.

hope to see your teardrops finished, perhaps before me.
Or did you abandoned that project?

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