Destroyer x Amplifier...Dx amplifier

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Thank you Sandy...but in the reality, sometimes i use sligtly different values than

the posted ones...because my own stock of parts.

Sometimes i do not have the exact value, as circuits normally tollerate small differences, there are moments that i use other than the schematic suggested values.

For example, in the last pictures made, there are parts that do not exists in the real circuit...they are there to fill some holes previously decided as i have no posts, and also i do not like empty spaces, or even empty holes into boards, they are covered with fake that will not work, alike capacitor connected from the positive to the same positive...with leads in short circuit...just to fill the holes with something over.

But, the majority of parts are the rigth ones.... if differences were found they will be small.

To output stop resistors, for instance, the best value i have found was 2,2 ohms...but not problems if you increase them till 10 ohms.




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Hello guys!.... a lot of people into the thread this morning....fine!


No boards available for a while, the amplifier is in the forum for testing purposes...this is the early first step to see problems when people constructed.

This may be a future Kit to be sold into Brazilian Market...very low price to compete with Chip amplifiers.

Than, succeeded into this second step, the third one will be publish advertising in our forum...paid propaganda.

Fourth will be the offer of boards to a certain number of key persons inside the forum...... asking them, of course, to post their thougths.

Them some units will start to be distributed wide world, other key persons and magazines.

Finally, the real Corporation will born.

Many steps to realise that.... i have to find cheap boards manufacturers in brazil, the ones can produce with International quality.

I have to create a company, register.

To enter Pay Pal system

To fine agreement with brazilian mail system not to bother about exports.

Well.... there are some steps to climb in advance to send samples my dear...for a while.... people have to prepare their own boards or to solder over a piece of wood with nails...hehe.



Iván Francisco....i like it and i think, observing parts without reference numbers

That it is OK...also i could see that not too much jumpers were used..this is very good.

I like that VBe multiplier in the middle of the power transistors.... also i would prefer to have all them there.... drivers, powers and Vbe.... will look very good....ahahhaha...will be SC480 clone.

Damn it...we cannot scape from the good solutions.... people already have all good ideas..... this turns things worst for us..... as amplifier will be loosing their own identity when copying other people solutions.

We could not make this way, as the amplifier was made, in the first days to use resistances to produce the needed bias to drivers and output transistors..... and those ones do not need contact with the we did not have made this way.

I think you board is one step advanced.

I will be happy to see you constructing using this board, to test it and to debug it, and them inform people the board dimensions and also inform the values of those parts you have shown over the board.

Dx board by Iván i mean....but please, do the complete job not to create more job to me..... produce it, post images, schematics showing the values over the board and debug it entirelly.

Many thanks Iván...i hope you advance into this Hermano


Well folks...some comments will be down here.

Thank you Graham.... as usually you are rigth....very hard to inspect boards watching the way we are doing now.... no parts turns things worst.


I use those transistors to many amplifiers, this is because i cannot keep al them with me...very expensive to "stop" transistors into more than 4000 amplifiers made.

Because of that, transistors cannot have long and original leads, they broke, and sometimes they broke very near the plastic case and we lost them.... the solder made the way you see and using thin wires, will make the transistor the wire beeing thin and flexible will bend easy without broke transistor leads...this way i can use the transistor many times.... avoiding all possible suspections, when constructing a new amplifier, that transistors can be the source of losses or increasing in sonic qualities....this is not possible as they are always the same....when quality increases, the schematic, the topologie, the design (and capacitors) may the the responsable.

One variable less to worry about.





You are absolutelly correct...this is the main reason to solder transistor that ugly way.




Thank you AndyK, because of your reference about old post.


Interesting.... a very nearby shop already have 2SC5200...and price is fine,

Toshiba ones by 4 seems good to me, as we use to pay enormous taxes when those imported parts arrive here.

Maybe fake ones.... i think this price is very low.

All parts, the ones you see in the image, costed 25 US dollares....and near my home.....yesssss!....this is great!




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I have replaced the image by a new one...better quality one.

Good to know this Sandyk my units seems that have normal price.

Here is the back.... this made me suspections...strange thing near the screw hole.

Well.... i will test them.... will make 15 amps and 150 watts cross the one and will measure the gain during that.

Also i will inject 10 Megahertz to see if it passes to the output...of course i will use rejection coils to the supply.

But this transistor...this one in the image, will need to have the back side, this side shown, sanded with low grain (number 500) waterproof sandpapper, installed over a glass to guarantee a good flat surface as reference for sanding.




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Yes.... seems fake, but mine had 115 of gain.

Well.... better to relax.... already bougth.... the salesman could not guarantee, he do not even know if exist fakes or not.

An old and decent man he is.... he is not guilty...let's go ahead.

I will visit this thread you told me Nordic.. thanks.

C'a marche!.... let's move ahead.

Here is the link:


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