DIY ACA mini

Useful addition IMHO

As said, with patience and a lot of care you can achieve the required precision with the pots from the BOM - I just did it, so it works.
But it would probably be more precise / quicker (depending on level of the builder) with multi turns.

Good that thanks to you people have now the choice.

If I build a third one for a friend I might well give those multi turns a try and then report here so I can share my experience between the options.
The least I could do for such a great community...

Enjoy music

Joined 2019
Paid Member
I can't verify the pin layout against everything, but I can report success with Bourns 3339 series trimmers (4-turn) in a few things. Example linked below.

They're more expensive that most of the 25-turn trimmers, and they may not work for every board, but there are lots of things between single-turn and 25-turn available.

So, I have no idea if they have the 'hysteresis' / spring 'issues' sometimes associated with 25-turn trimmers or if they offer all the benefits of single-turns, but to me... they were a nice compromise.

May be worth a look.
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