DIY Front End 2022

Joined 2001
Paid Member
Ya I wouldn't sweat a teeny tiny bit of rolloff like that graph in the article. That's like tenths of a db there in your area of concern..

Another quick thing.. C1 is really optional if you can be certain that anything feeding this circuit does not have DC on it. A greenhorn might be better off leaving it in place as a safety blanket. If a source has DC offset, the individual that designed it should be drawn and quartered because that's not acceptable in my world.
Joined 2001
Paid Member
You can skip the RC on the rails. But I think capacitance on the output of the regs is still recommended.

Somehow the store FE '22 boards get by without compensation caps. Be sure you check for stability on your new pcb, it may oscillate with a different, less optimized layout.
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Joined 2012
Paid Member
15mA is a good ball park number. The actual number may be a bit higher or a bit lower.

R11 and R12 form a voltage divider for the unipolar power supply option, to equally divide the voltage between the two capacitors. It is not needed if the power supply is bipolar, although it can be left in place.