DIY linear tonearm


After extensive listening the triangle/cantus style of carriage sounds better across the board, lower noise, and just absolutely solid and best dynamics and imaging by far, why?, hell if I know, anyone feel free to interject. Bass is most solid reaching deep, I mean deep down while maintains brilliant layering and seperation, yes, I imagine I know understand why Bo Hansen said that it could potentially be hard to differentiate between the master tape and a linear arm. This is good stuff, and well worth the journey of diy.



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The new wand looks more rigid, perhaps this is taming low frequency dispersion.
Is your assembly not bolted to the table? Seems that this would be another advantage for quick arm changes as I'd imagine precise distance to the spindle is not as critical as for a pivot arm?
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Hi batsong,

Yes the bar assembly is bolted to the table and the alignment of the hole is set for a 210 mm spindle to pivot mounting, so it would be a drop in for most tables. It also uses four adjustable hex bolts to adjust for primary leveli g of the base but also semi decouples the armbase from the turntable yet provides very rigid mounting. This newest arm has the benefit of being as rigid as the glass arm but almost as light as the second carbon fiber arm but wih no play whatsoever at the cartridge mount. This has been turning into one killer arm, and still remaining simple.

yes of course....but in the attached picture the copper and aluminium rods represent two of ,any of hundreds of possible stylus tracks.Your saying any line will do? I could have the stylus running along any track as in this example the copper track or alumium? As long as the track from the center and not slightly off like the aluminium bar.


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For alignment I use the enjoythemusic protractor since it has a straight line the spindle AND lines to align cartridge body for paralell setup. Start by lining up the stylus before arm is bolted firmly to plinth, then slide the assembly towards the spindle, the needle should follow the line then adjust as necessary to get it to follow this line. Also remember to make sure the glass rod is level first as this will also affect alignment!. Make sure you set this with a standard thickness record on the platter for precise measurement.



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there are 360 perfect tracks you can choose

yes of course....but in the attached picture the copper and aluminium rods represent two of ,any of hundreds of possible stylus tracks.Your saying any line will do? I could have the stylus running along any track as in this example the copper track or alumium? As long as the track from the center and not slightly off like the aluminium bar.

Yes you are right so long as the line intersects with the centre of the platter and your cartridge runs at right angle to the line it is a perfect track. Best regards Moray James.