DIY Schroeder Tonearm???

Tottaly agree with you on the Lencos, especially the PTP, i had a Linn LP12 previously, my slate PTP romps all over it.

I think there is lot of info as regards string suspension material and magnet type and size ealier in thread.

On JDs advice i used Vectran, an absolute pain to work with, but great results, available on ebay, i believe others have used kevlar succsefully.

Magnets on mine are 8mmx5mm neodymium, also from ebay.
Thank you for the info guys,

I know the info is back there, but sometimes better options are discovered as time goes on. So its handy to have the key things summarised every now and then.

I remember reading way back that it was a good idea to buy some magnets with a central hole already in them.... is that still the best way forward?

Thanks again for the info on the thread - I'll be ordering these soon!

Well, I got my new inverter hooked up tonight and chucked up my first piece of this tonearm!! It was only one quick bit though..... barely started!

Could someone do a quick check for me and take a couple of measurements:

1. total length of tonearm tip to tip and
2. length from pivot to tip

Was going to do this with the rega measurements, but thought I better check what others use....

Please post pics of your tonearm progress. I to have started to turn a couple of arms for experiments. Right now it is for practice.

So far I have tried spalted maple, and wenge. The wenge rings like a chime, but the spalted maple is pretty dead. I intend to lam up blanks using a combination of woods. THis way I can leave a tunnel for the wires to go through without drilling a long hole.
If you are using the Rega geometry, my numbers wouldn't help you as I calculated my dimensions based on a 10.5" pivot to spindle distance.


Well, I got my new inverter hooked up tonight and chucked up my first piece of this tonearm!! It was only one quick bit though..... barely started!

Could someone do a quick check for me and take a couple of measurements:

1. total length of tonearm tip to tip and
2. length from pivot to tip

Was going to do this with the rega measurements, but thought I better check what others use....

Well, I'm not committed to anything - I can use any geometry. In fact I wouldn't mind trying something other than the Rega sizes, just to make it different.

So any measurements still greatly appreciated!!

In the meantime I bored out the arm wand today (cocobolo). That will go inside now for a few weeks to let it completely stabilise. I also prepared the metal for the main body. I need another bit for the lathe to do the stub of the arm.

Pic of progress so far:


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