DIY Sony VFET pt 1

My cat is patiently waiting for one of these boxes! Thanks for all your work!


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I would like to say thank you to Nelson and all the diy folks that work to make this community what it is. This has to be one of the most unique communities anywhere! I don’t I will win one but honestly I’m just happy to be a part of this community and trying to learn from amongst folks way smarter than me. Big thank you to others in this community for volunteering their time, 6l6, mark, Jason and so many others behind the scenes. And also Elna at the diy store having responded to many of my questions!
I don't know if anyone else noticed or not, but there are 116 boxes by my count.

Thanks for the work and your continued support of the forum and its' members. It has almost been two years since a search on your name brought me here. Since that time, I have completed more than 10 amp builds, and many speaker upgrades and variuos other projects all with the genisis of that two word search.

A heartfelt thanks Nelson....
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Hey everyone just got a copy of this thread in my email. DIY store sent me an email a few months back after ordering an Camp kit. So this is a Sony kit I take it, a power amp using
Vfet's? Does anyone have the full specs on the kit? I see it's a lottery as there are limited quantities.I guess they are called Vfet less kits?Any info would be appreciated.