I'm taking a PCB design class at a local community college starting in July. Maybe I can make a layout as part of the class using the article layout as a guide. (With a little lot help from folks on the forum)

I'm all for bringing the kits back for a triumphant 2024 summer reunion tour if the parts are available.
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It's a little disappointing that there has been no response to the various requests for PCBs or Gerber files to build more of the Sony VFET amps - I have a pair of 2SK60 VFETS and the necessary MosFets I would like to use.

The PCB is actually pretty simple so I think I'll start laying out my own PCB design, referenced to Nelson's original article on the design.
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You can also use proto boards, or perf boards, or strip boards with great success as this circuit is simple enough to allow this.
Some years ago I built in succession ZenLite Headamp, Pearl 1 Phono and MoFo with strip boards and they are still going strong without hiccups.
In the photos below the 1st one is Zen, the next Pearl.


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